Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

My mum looked at me than looked Luke. I can tell she smelt his blood but the adult are trained to not drink it straight from the human.

On the other hand my brother smells Luke and my dad is holding on to his arm. My brother Aj is only 15 not an adult.

"Luke I think you should go in my room" I said calmly not wanting to set off my brother. "Lock the door"

He stood up and walk in front of my family and that's when I saw Aj lose it smelling Luke's blood stronger as he walked closer.

Aj pushed my dad back and pushed Luke against the wall.

As Luke stayed still and calm he braced himself for Aj's bite.

I ran and pushed Aj through the glass window next to my door due to my strength.

"Go!" I yelled to Luke as I saw Aj get up outside.

Luke bolted to my room and Aj ran to the bottom of the stairs but I grabbed his arm.

I dragged him to the kitchen and gave him a cup of blood.

He drank that cup and 4 more before calming down.

We all sit down on the couch and my parents look at me with disapproval.

"Your dating a human?" my mum asked.

"Mum you don't understand I-"

"We understand but this can't happen!" my dad said.

"I don't care what you say about him I'm dating him whether you like it or not!"

"Honey you can't do that unless your going to change him" my mum said.

"And if I don't?"

"Than I hope he's ok with no sex, kids, or marriage"

"What if he is?!"

"Honey it won't work!"

"I don't care mum I love him!"

My family gasp as I admit that I love him.

"You couldn't possibly-" my dad said but I interrupted.

"I do dad! I do with my whole undead heart"

"Honey if you love him you can be with him but all I'm saying it may not work"

"I'll make it work mum. he means so much to me"

"Ok honey just how about tomorrow the 4 of us go on a double date" my mum suggest.

"Ok but not Aj"

"No he wouldn't be able to handle your boyfriend"

"Luke mum his name is Luke."

"Right Luke well were going to leave now"

I said good bye and hugged them and Aj got in the car and my parents walked back quickly.

"You can come back!" I yelled to Luke.

He came back downstairs as my parents walked back in the house.

"Nice meeting you Luke. I'm truly sorry about Aj. he can't control himself quite yet"

"No that's not his fault" Luke shook his head.

"Thank you for understanding. Again nice meeting you" she hugged him.

Luke hugged back and when she pulled back he kissed her cheek and she smiled.

He's such a gentleman!

He shook my dad's hand and my parents left.

"Well that was......"

"Insane" Luke finished for me.

"I'm so sorry about Aj!" I said as we sat down.

"No it's ok. he can't help it. I have blood and he drinks blood. oh well" he shrugged.

"Wow you took that well" I smiled at him impressed.

"I understand the situation though" he smiled back.

"Well thank you for being nice to my family" I kissed his cheek.

"No problem. their nice people"

"Well my mum wants to have a double date kind of thing with them if you want to go tomorrow"

"Yeah of course" he smiled.

"Ok tomorrow" I smiled back.

He cuddled back up on the couch and watched movies on Netflix.

As Luke started to fall asleep with his head on my lap I played with his hair thinking.

I thought about what my mum said.

If I don't change him we won't last long as a couple.

Now I'm gonna have to think about ended the relationship or changing Luke.

I don't want to do either but I know I have to do one of them.

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