Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

After a painfully slow day with seeing Luke 4 times it was finally over beside detention, which I was looking forward to.

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door and grabbed my small bottle of blood from my pocket and drank it.

I needed the energy to make sure I don't bite someone else.

I put the bottle back in my pocket and then walk out.

I go to the detention room and I see Luke coming down the hall.

I wave and he waved back. Ge quickly ran to me and smiled.

"Sorry I'm late just got lost"

"I'm late to everything" I laugh back.

"Well now we can be late together!" he laughed back.

We walked in to see Mr.A standing there angrily.

"Are you always late? and you still hand those freakin glasses on" Mr.A yelled.

"Woah dude watch the language" Luke sassed him making a joke of how Luke got here in the first place.

I just laughed and sat down in the corner my normal spot. Luke sat next to me but then Mr.A made him sit in the front.

"Now I'm going to go to my classroom and grade papers do you think you can be quiet and appropriate for the next 1 hour?"

"I don't know sounds tough" I shrug smirking.

"Shut up Selena" he hisses.

"Language!" Luke yelled.

I just laughed and Mr.A rolled his eyes and left to his room.

Luke got up and looked out the door to make sure he was gone then closed the door and sat next to me.

"So how's of going?" he asked.

"Ehh you?"

"Ehh just bored"

"Me too" I sighed.

I kept over thinking things. I can't lead him on then hurt him. I can't date a human. I can't do this!

"How about 20 questions?" he asked.

"Sure" I shrug.

I can't do this to him but something about him keeps me wanting him.

"Umm favorite color?"


"Mines blue! Umm favorite animal?"

"Penguins are cute"

"I like penguins too! age?"


"Me too! Um birthday?"

"July 20th"

"July 16th. umm favorite band?"

"That's tuff! um I like blink 182 and all time low but also sleeping with sirens. Oh and mayday parade! Oh also Arctic Monkeys! but little mix is good too!"

"I like all those too! good music taste" he laughs.

"I know right!" I laugh back.

"Do you sing? dance? Anything?"

"Dance and play drums but that it"

"Oh dance for me!"

"Umm are you sure?"

"Yeah come on I won't judge unless your awful"

"Wow no pressure!" I roll my eyes.

I pulled out my phone and played Salute by little mix.

I danced the dance that they do in the music video plus a little of my own moves.

The music stopped so I stopped dancing. I grabbed my phone and sat down.

"How come you aren't breathing heavily?"

"I'm not sure" I shrugged but I knew it was the fact that I don't need to breath.

"Well..?" I asked.

"You were amazing!" he smiled. "I wish I could dance!"

"Is teach you but I don't think that would word with how tall and awkward you are"

"How did you know I was awkward?" he asked.

Shit! Shit! what do I say!? 'oh I just read your mind cause vampires have that ability oh and I'm a vampire!' I don't think that works.

"Umm cause you seem like it" I shrug.

"Oh alright" he shrugged too. "now drum!"

"With what?" I laughed.

"Umm" he searched the room. He ran to the desk and searched in the drawers.

He pulled out 2 pencils and them came back.

"Play on the table!"

I took the pencils and played to the beat of first date by blink 182.

He started singing along with the song.

I stopped the second chorus and he stopped too.

"Your really good!" he smiled.

"Thanks and I'm guessing you sing! and play guitar!"

"How the hell could you guess I played guitar?!"

I just shrugged. I really need to stop this!

He grabbed the pencils back and he lightly touched my hand. His hand was so warm and shot sparks up my arm.

"Your so cold!" he said grabbing my hand.

When he grabbed it I felt as if his hand was meant for mine.

"I'm fine their always like this" I smile to reassure him.

"If you say so! I think I could've thought you were dead!" he laughed.

My eyes went wide but then I covered it up by laughing along.

"Yeah that'd be crazy!" I laughed awkwardly.

The bell rang and we both got up and grabbed our stuff. I walked to the door and put him arm there.

"I had fun today" he smiled.

"Me too" I smiled back.

"Can I have your number?" he asked kind of awkwardly.

Awww that's so cute! What no it's not! Stop it!

My mind is saying don't get close! but my heart is saying you need him.

"Sure" I smile.

We switch phones and put in our numbers. My contact name on his phone is 'Selena is the hottest chick😘💋' and his on my phone is 'Luke is a sexy beast❤️' I just laugh and put my phone away.

"I think you have something in your hair" Luke says and leans forward to look at my hair.

His neck goes right in front of my face. I open my mouth but instantly close it biting my lip.

"No we're good" he smiles. "see you later Selly" he smiles.

"Selly? nickname?"

"Yeah it's like the first part of Selena then a 'y'" he smiled proud of his nick name.

"Ok Lukey" I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and I looked into his beautiful bright blue eyed.

"Thanks for the cute nickname Lukey!" I get up on my tip toes and kiss his cheek leaving a little black mark.

I walk away and I can see him from behind me having a shocked and surprised look on his face.

I have a shocked face too. Why did I do that?

I never kiss anyone! And I need to not lead him on!

Well so much for that idea!

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