Just the Start - Chapter 1 Sarah

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Sarah's POV
"I really hate this." I said to myself It was 3:00 in the morning and I was in the dry cold. "The things I absolutely do for journalism."
I looked down at my watch. I sighed where is Paul, we needed to film in order to get raw footage of the spectacular Eclispe. I decided to go back into the car and just listen to the radio. I switched the dial to my favorite radio station Love 87.2. "Good Morning, Love listeners this is Bon Darlinn your host, and today is a special day we will be playing the top 20 songs from Michael Jackson."
"Ohh cool" I said smiling to myself.
"Starting the countdown at Number 20 is 'Rock With You'." The upbeat host said.
The tempo slowly filled the air of the car. I turned up the volume hoping this would stop the thoughts of coldness.
" Girl Close your Eyes
Let that rhythm get into you.
Don't try to fight it, there is
nothing that you can do."
The melody made me forget that it was 3 o' clock in the morning and that I was cold.
Tap. tap.
I opened my eyes.
There was Paul, standing in front of the window smiling back at me.
I rolled my windows and shut off the music "Soo now you decide to show up." I said half jokingly.
Paul threw his head back and laughed.
"I may be wrong, but it's hard to get up at 3 in the morning." He said with sarcasm in his voice.
"Let's jus get this over with it." I giggled with a wave of tiredness thickly covering it.
Paul took up his camera equipment, and set it up. While he was twisting the camera screws, his muscle bulge with every motion. He had blond curly hair that matched with his bright green eyes. He wore plaid sandals, cargo pants and a white tee with a backward fade blue cap.
"Ok." He said dusting off his hands I believe we are ready. He said smiling at me. His teeth were very white. I stuck my finger in my mouth in exaggeration.

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