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Four years later.
Sarah's POV
I waddled to the table where they had donuts and ice cream and watermelon covered in hot sauce made specially for me.
I went to the set of "Midnight Fire." A new movie that is in the works, and is being directed by my husband- Paul.
We have been married for now two blissful years and he is all I can ask for in anyone.
The cameras continued to follow me as I went into the set. They were documenting my pregnancy, for my viewers to see later. Four years ago after being reunited with my  best friend. I quit my job at cnn, and moved to California where I was offered a deal for my own daytime talk show. It was the best thing that happened to me. Paul's movie was a blockbuster hit and received two Golden  globes and an Emmy.
As for Jeff Bvocane he is still enjoying the bachelor life.
Michael now has two beautiful babies Prince and Paris who will also have a playmate- Michael. We decided to name our baby boy after him, since he was the reason for our success and us being reunited. He is also Michaels God-Father. I told my crew to cut the cameras so I could share an intimate
Moment with my husband.
Pauls POV
I felt a pair of hands wrapped themselfes around my eyes. Guess who!?" A familiar voice said giggly.
"Hmm Mr. T." I guessed teasingly.
"Yes. I pity the fool that thinks I am Mr.T." Sarah said in her best Mr. T accent.
I grabbed her hand and wrapped her in front of me, and kissed her my wife.
It is still hard to believe that not only is she my wife, but is the mother to our son.
For me that's true bliss.
"Mmm. Hot sauce and watermelons, that's real
Tasty honey." I said jokingly.
"I know right" she said. Punching me on the arm than wrapping her arms into me
And resting her head on my chest.
"Sarah," I said lightly.
"Yes?" She asked
"You're my Daytime, my nighttime, my world. You are my life."

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