Chapter 18

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Paul's POV
I woke up and stretched out of bed. I looked for my t-shirt that was sprawled on the arm of my chair.
I placed it over my head, and went to the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth last night's event replayed in my head. Me kissing her, her leaving. I sighed.
I possibly ruined our friendship.
"I gotta talk to her." I muttered to myself.
I grabbed my keys and before I could leave the phone ranged.
"Uh Hello?" I asked into the phone.
"Ah Yes is this Paul Rorey?" A male's voice said into the phone.
"Yes this is." I stated hurriedly.
"This is Dan Goran, publicity agent of Warner Brothers Studios, and we have a script for a possible teen flick. We were wondering if you were interested in directing this film?" Dan Goran said into the phone.
"Wait so you want me to come to where?" I ask into the phone.
"Los Angeles." He said quickly into the phone.
"To direct a teen film?" I finished off.
"Yes, we feel with you being young you can perhaps make the script great. And we view your works from your university, they are amazing." He said nicely.
"Not interested." I said bluntly into the phone.
I couldn't just move from Sarah like that, and definitely with out consulting her about it at least.
"We ll if you were to change your mind, call this number. We would really appreciate it if you were to reconsider our offer." He said into the phone.
"Ok I will think it over." I said to appease him.
I wrote down the number and hung up. I ran to my pickup. I closed the front door to my apartment and locked it.
I started to drive.
"Sarah, I'm sorry I kissed you." I say out loud to myself.
No that just doesn't sound right.
"Sarah, I have been wanting to do that for a while." I say to myself.
No, that's being too forward.
I pull into the apartment complex parking space and hop out of my car.
I run to Sarah's door and knocked on it.
"Who is it?" I hear her ask.
"It's Paul." I say.
I hear her unlock the door, and then she opened it.
"Hi." she says looking at me.
She was wearing an oversized tshirt and flip flops.
"Uh May I come in?" I asked her.
"Yeah, just watch out for the stuff on the floor." She said leaving the door open while walking back inside.
I looked around her apartment, there were books off of shelves, her plates out of the drawer stacked neatly on a tabletop. In the corner were a lot of boxes.
"What's going on?" I asked her.
"Well," She started. "Yesterday night I received a phone call regarding a potential job as a co-host for The Sixth Sense -CNN, and they want me to start as soon as possible, and I have to move to Atlanta." She said all in one breath.
She's moving and she didn't even tell me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked in shocked.
I wanted to say congratulations and tell her how happy I was for her, but I couldn't.
"What do you mean, why didn't I tell you?" she asked.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I would've heard about this from you directly. Not finding out while you're in the middle of packing." I said looking at her.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you kind of made things a little awkward between us last night?" She said referring to the kiss.
I felt my face turn red.
"Well guess what, I'm moving too." I said to Sarah looking her dead in the eyes.
"Oh really?" She said "Where to?" She asked sarcastically.
"To Los Angeles." I said. "Warner called and want me to direct a film." I stated looking at her and not telling her I turned down the job, because of her.
"And so wait let me get this straight." She said pausing and leaning on the table.
"It's a big deal me moving 3 hours away to Atlanta, but you moving I dunno 10 hours away is no problem?" She ask becoming angered.
"The big deal is you didn't tell me." I said hurt.
"You didn't tell me either." She said through gritted teeth.
I shouldn't of mention the call.
"Maybe this is just a sign that we need to just do our own thing and go our separate ways." She stated coldly while picking up a few books and stacking them in a box.
"Yeah Maybe." I stated half heartedly.
"I wanted to tell her, that her and I both knew that wasn't true. More importantly I wanted to tell her how much she meant to me, but I didn't.
"Goodbye Sarah." I stated trying to choke the sadness out of my voice.
"Goodbye Paul." I hear her voice kind of wavered.
I turn to face her and she was facing the other way.
I walked out the door, and didn't turn back around.

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