Chapter 22

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Paul POV
" What the-" I stared at my Stack of magazines on one of them, The National Inquirer was a picture of Sarah and Jeff- but not a good one. They captured Sarah splashing a drink on Jeff's face.
I couldn't help but laugh.
That is something exactly Sarah would do.
Jeff Bvocane is a jerk and honestly deserved that.
My telephone ranged and I hurried to answer it.
"Hi this is Paul." I said in my most professional voice.
"Hey Paul." A voice coaxed.
I shift the phone to the other and ear, and asked earnestly "who is this?" Oh it's me Katie the voice giggled excitably.
I pinch the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Hi Katie." I manage to say. This girl was so annoying.
"So word has it that you need a date for mr. Jacksons engagement." She said throwing hints.
"Is that tonight?!" I asked worriedly feeling stress come upon me for forgetting.
"Uh yeah- you forgot didn't you?" She said laughing.
"Yes- I need to go find some clothes for tonight" I said trying to get her off the phone.
"Please please can I be your date?!" She begged. "I will leave you alone. I promise afterwards."
I sighed. "Fine be ready by six."
I hung up the phone- I was going to see Sarah.
Sarah's POV
"Ms. Sarah the network is dissapointed in your actions." My boss said glaring at me.
My cheeks turn red and felt my body becoming hot from Embarrassment.
"I-I know." I stammered .
"I apologize."
"Apologies won't cut it Ms. Sarah."
"How can I fix it?" I asked beggingly.
"You're going to an engagement with the attendance of Michael Jackson correct?"
He asked.
"Ye-Yes I am." I said.
Oh no.
I sighed. "Fine." I said finally.
"And try to look like you're having a brilliant time." He said smiling and shutting the door.
"That's when the devil himself walked in.
"Knock. Knock." He said grinning.
Pauls POV
I decided to wear my nice white tux for the party, I just bought it and had it save for an event like this.
I ranged the doorbell of Katie's house.
She opened and was wearing a tight short black dress and four inch heels. I frowned. We aren't going to the club I wanted to say, but all I said was "you look nice."
We rode in silence and Katie kept inching closer to me every chance she got.
"What's your deal?" I finally said. "I agreed to take you as a date nothing more."
That's what you think." She said winking. I grimaced.
We finally arrived.
Sarah's POV
There is nothing worse than having to go on a date with the despicable Mr. Bvocane. Who was disgustingly always horny.
It was either this or loose my job.
"Hey thanks for the invite babe."
He said laughing.
I cut my eyes at him. He just looked at me in delight, he knew how much this was getting to me.
We arrived at Michael's mansion, and was kind of late, because we had to fly in.
I couldn't wait to see Michael- and paul.
There was so much I wanted to say to him.
There was paparazzi outside the mansion snapping pictures left to right.
Jeff put his hand into mind and we stepped out the limo.
"Sarah!" The paparazzi shouted, " What happened to you and Jeff!"
I faked a smile, When Jeff decided to take my hand and kiss it.
The nerve.
I grimaced and whispered " you will pay."
We walked in the beautiful mansion and my eyes rested on Michael who was talking to a group of men.
His eyes met mine, "Excuse me." I saw him mouthed and he made his way towards me.
"Michael!" I said hugging him tightly I have missed you so much. I exclaimed.
"Me too."
Jeff coughed.
"Oh this is Jeff Bvocane my colleague."
Michael raised an eyebrow to me knowingly.
"Nice to meet you mrBvocane." He said
"A pleasure Mr. Jackson" said Jeff.
That's when I saw him.

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