Chapter 7 Paul

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Paul's POV
It's been two weeks, since our celebrity interview and we are suppose to get the results today and go out to lunch with the celebrity. I glanced at my alarm clock. It was 7:30, class doesn't start for another 15 minutes, so to kill time I called up Sarah.
"Hello" I hear a groggy voice say on the other line. Sarah.
"Goodmorning, Grinch." I said in to the phone.
" ugh what time is it ." She moaned.
I looked back at my clock and see it only has changed by a few minutes "It's 7:33." I said looking for my keys to my pickup.
"CRAP." I hear Sarah say
I laughed. " Yep, wakey wakey, if you don't wanna be late for class."
"ha. ha. Very humorous." she said sarcastically.
I glanced at the time. "I will pick you up for class, I'll be there in less than ten .be ready! I yelled into the phone, startling her. "Buttface." she said then hung up.
I laughed and grabbed my keys.

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