Chapter 6 Michael

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Michael POV
"Can someone please bring me a bottle of water?" I yelled.
I was waiting for the viewing of the interviews, and my mouth was extremely dry.
My bodyguard returned with a bottle of chilled water.
"Thank You." I said in appreciation.
I placed the cold water to my lips, and sipped the refreshing water.
As I place the cap on the bottle. I hear the doorknob turn.
I stand up and there's Laina Falore, Senior executive over the network.
"Hello Mr.Jackson" She starts. "I would like to thank you, on behalf of the entire staff of WFTY Network. We take it as a great honor for you to choose our station.
I smiled " No, thank You." I said "I'm just glad I can be a help."
That was partly the truth, I was tired of the blood thirsty adults who all they cared about was the fake drama of my personal life. Rather than what really mattered-the music.
Mrs.Falore extends to me three DVDs. " The Network chose what they believe to be the best interviews." I read one and It said "Ramona and Geff."
"Are there anymore?" I asked
The lady smiled. "Yes there is one more but we didn't want to waste your time with it." She said expecting me to understand.
"Well I believe it's only fair they deserve a fair viewing just like rest, don't you?" I ask patiently.
Mrs.Falore gave a look of instant regret.
"Yes, of course! Let me just fetch it from my office." she said apologetically. I sat down and listened to the soft hum of the DVD motor.
The lady returned with the DVD, and handed it to me.
"I hope you find it enjoyable." She said smiling and left the room.
I read the name on the DVD, "Paul and Sarah."
I placed it on the bottom of the stack, and inserted the first DVD the network suggested.

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