Chapter 17

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Sarah POV
I pull out of Paul's driveway and start heading home.
What the heck just happened? I thought to myself.
I turn the dial on the radio to forget what just happened, but I can't.
He kissed me, and I enjoyed it.
Why didn't I kiss him back then? I asked myself.
This is just way too weird.
I need to call someone. I thought to myself.
I am going to call Michael. I said conclusively.
I race to my front door and opened it.
I looked through my drawer for Michael's number.
"Bingo." I said as I pick up the paper and dial the number on my telephone.
The phone ranged a couple times.
"Hello?" I hear a voice say.
"Hi is this Michael?" I asked the voice.
"Wait right one sec." I hear the voice say.
I looked around my kitchen and see a picture of me and Paul last year wearing ugly Christmas sweaters. I sighed. What did I do?
"Hello?" I hear Michael's voice say.
"Hi!" "Uh this is Sarah." I say to the phone.
"Ah Hi Sarah!" He said happily.
"Saw the interview! It was great! Is Paul with you?" He asked.
"Uh no actually he is not." I mumble into the phone.
"What's wrong?" I hear Michael say.
"Paul kissed me and I didn't know what to do so I left, and now I'm not sure if that was the right thing to do." I said the words coming out like vomit.
"Well." Michael start to say. "Why did you leave?" He asked.
"I dunno, I just thought that was the right thing to do." I said.
"But I think I liked it, but I really don't know. I don't even know if he has always been wanting to do that." I say starting to feel a headache arise.
"He has." Michael says softly.
I stood there shock.
"Seriously?" I ask into the phone.
"yes he has liked you for a while now." he said giggling lightly.
"I think you should talk to him, even if you don't feel the same." He said conclusively.
"Ok, I will." I say into the phone.
"Thank you Michael." I say into the phone.
"You're welcome Sarah, and goodnight." he said.
"Goodnight." I say softly while hanging up the phone.
I look at the clock it's 10:00. It's way too late to go there. I can just call him I thought to myself.
As I reach for the phone a call came in.
"Hello?" I say into the phone hoping it's Paul.
"Hi, is this Sarah Tile?" A mans voice say into the phone.
"Yes is it." I say "Who is this?" I ask the voice.
"This is Fred Taeport, senior director over CNN." He said.
"The board saw your interview, and was wondering if you were interested in probably over the summer co hosting for our daily 6th sense show?" Mr..Taeport says into the phone.
I was baffled. This cannot be legit.
"I I would be honored." I stammered.
"That's wonderful." He said.
"Could you start in a week?" He ask.
"Yes!" I say excitedly.
"There's only one thing, you'll have to move to Atlanta, because of where we are located." He said.
"That's not a problem." I said.
"Ok that's great. I will talk to you more tomorrow." He said into the phone.
"Ok." I said. "Goodbye!" I say.
I Hung up the phone.
Then the reality of the situation hit me like a wave. I will have to move. I thought to myself.
How would I tell Paul?

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