Chapter 20

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Paul's POV
Today I visited Hollywood for the first time, and I spotted Mick Jagger and Ice cube within a hour of coming.
I am so glad I didn't turn down this job.
I got to move to Cali. and be surrounded by celebrities.
It was awesome.
I walked into my studio of Warner Brothers.
The movie I was directing was called "Flaming Worphile" which was originally about triangle love affair. However, I suggested it be about three teenagers who discovers the core of the earth, almost destroying all of humanity. They liked it and that's what we are going with now.
I will admit it feels very lonely up here, not being with Sarah. I glanced around the set, and turned back around bumping into someone.
"I'm so sorry." I muttered.
"It's okay." I hear a girl voice say.
I looked down and saw a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes brushing herself off.
"Hi I'm Kate." She said sticking her hand out smiling.
"Uh Paul." I said in return.
"Cool name." She said winking and went into one of the dressing rooms.
"Who is that?" I muttered to myself.
That was weird, but whatever.
"OK guys time to get started." I yelled.
"We have a lot of filming to do."
That's when I notice the girl coming out of the dressing room and dressed in costume for the part of Gigi.
So she must be the new girl they casted. I thought to myself.
She waved at me and flipped her hair.
"Ok guys this is the scene where Gigi discovers the core. So I need to see a lot of action and excitement." I say to the actors.
"Ok and ACTION." I said.
I watched the scene and it was going along very nicely.
That Katie girl is an amazing actress. I thought to myself.
* * *
I packed up my stuff and got ready to head home. When I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder.
"That was great filming don't cha think."
It was Katie.
"Uh yeah very good." I said picking up my keys.
She laughed.
"I know how you got this position." She said slyly.
Is she flirting with me? I asked myself.
"You do." I said while continuing to look at my bag.
"Yeah you did that interview with Michael Jackson." She said smiling.
"Yeah I did." I said in shock.
"I just wanted to say," she started getting really close to me. "You did an amazing job." She said almost in a whisper seductive sort of voice.
"Um Thank you." I said walking out the door.
"See you tomorrow." I yelled.
What was that about? I asked myself.
I make my way through downtown traffic and turn the radio on. Once I got home I collapsed on the couch and turned on the television flipping through the channels. Nothing was good on tv.
I flipped one more time, and on tv staring back at me was Sarah.
She was wearing a navy blue dress with black heels. Her hair straighten and behind both ears. She looked stunning.
I turned up the TV's volume to make out what she was saying.
"Welcome to the Sixth Sense. Where we give you the extra news, that you just may not know about." She said smiling into the camera.
"I'm joined today by my talented co-host Jeff Bvocane." She said looking at a guy who appears to be in his early thirties.
I know who he is, and I also know the reputation he has with women- younger women to be exact. He was the definition of a Casanova.
"Aw thank You Sarah, for that lovely introduction." He said smiling at Sarah intensely.
What the hell is this guy doing? I thought to myself.
I turned off the television, because I couldn't watch anymore.
I began to drift into a deep sleep.

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