Chapter 21

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"And Cut." the Director said.
I turned and looked at Jeff Bvocane.
"How was that Mr.Bvocane?" I asked excitedly.
"That was great!" He said smiling at me.
"And call me Jeff." He said getting out his chair.
He was extremely attractive but about 13 years my senior.
"Okay." I blushed.
"I'm having a small get together tonight, you should come." He said looking into my eyes.
"It will be a nice way to celebrate your first show." He said convincingly.
"Okay, Sure." I smiled.
"Alright I'll pick you up at six." He said while winking.
"Okay." I said laughing.
My first show was absolutely great. I never felt more alive in my life. It was a rush that is so unexplainable, but it just didn't felt right.
And I knew why. I pushed the thought that tried to enter my head, and remembered I had a party to attend.

* * *
I put on the finishing touches to my makeup, and walked downstairs.
There was a knock at the door.
I looked through the peephole to see it was Jeff.
I opened it.
"Hello Jeff." I stated.
"Hi Sarah." He stated.
"You look lovely." He stated looking me up and down.
I felt myself become hot.
"So are we ready?" I asked tryin to change the subject.
"Yes we are." He stated.
He grabbed my hand an steered me to the limo.
I sat in the limousine.
And felt like an awkward teenage girl going to the prom.
"So Sarah How are you liking Atlanta?" He asked me.
"It's great, definitely was a shift." I stated laughing.
"Leave anyone behind?" He asked.
"No not really." I said softly.
We arrived at his house.
He opened the door for me.
We entered the gigantic
mansion, there were over 100 people laughing and talking.
"I thought you said small get together?" I asked politely.
"It is." He said laughing.
I looked around and noticed there were journalist from other popular stations and shows.

I suddenly began to feel nervous and anxious all at once.

"Just relax, they won't bite." He whispered into my ear. His breath suggest he has been drinking.

I make my way to the kitchen area to discover a display of colorful foods.

I hear laughter and whispering, so I turn around. There were two girls 25 ish, one blonde and one brunette staring at me.

"What?" I laughed.

"You feel special don't you." The brunette started.

"Invited to the house of the Casanova Jeff Bvocane?"

She finished, staring at me.

"I mean it was a nice gesture." I said meekly not full understanding their purpose for saying so.

"We just want to know what are you going to give in return?"

I felt my stomach drop 8 times.

"What do you mean?" I choked.

"You think He will give you all this free publicity for nothing?" The blonde said

"No, darling." She laughed at my ignorance.

I felt my face turn a bright shade of red.

"I-I Got to go." I stammered.

I pushed my way through them, and to the front door.

"Where the hell is Jeff, I want to go home."

I whisper to myself.

"Having a fun time?" Jeff asked.

"No. I would love to go home" I stated bluntly.

"C'mon the party just begun."

" I know. Exactly why I want to go home."

He glared at me in both shock and anger.

" you know most girls would be dying to be in your position. You ungrateful B-"

I couldn't help myself. I grabbed a drink a splashed it on his face.

"No one likes a dick." I stated.

That's when I noticed there were paparazzi outside who witness everything.

I'm screwed.

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