Chapter 13

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Paul's POV
I stepped out the Mercedes and held the door open for both Sarah and Mike.
"This is so unreal." I thought to myself. Although I told Sarah I knew we had the interview, I only said that to waiver her fears. I honestly thought we blew that interview.
I see Sarah and Mike talking, and I hurry to catch up with them.
"And so that's when we noticed the plug was out the whole entire time." Michael says to Sarah finishing up a story.
"Wow." Sarah laughs. "That must have been pretty interesting." She says smiling.
She never acts this interested in my stories, but then again she is talking to Michael Jackson.
We went and took our seats at the secluded restaurant.
"I'll be right back." Sarah says as she walks out of her seat.
"Don't primp too much." I yell to her.
She rolls her eyes and enter the ladies room.
I laugh and smile.
I look back and see Michael was looking at me.
"What?" I say
"You like her, Don't you?" he says looking at me.
I felt my face turn hot.
"I don't know what you are talking about." I say grabbing a menu and looking down at it.
"So you would not be upset if I was to take her on a date." Says Mike Cleverly.
" No not at all." I squeal.
"Why did I say no." I think to myself.

"Paul" Mike says looking at me.
I sighed. "Yes, I would mine." I said looking in the direction of the females bathroom.
Mike Smiled knowingly.
"I am just playing with you, I won't ask her out, I can tell there is an undeniable connection." He says.
"Well I don't think she exactly feels the same." I explain.
"Have you tried-." Michael starts then stops as Sarah returns to the table.
"Hey, Sorry I took so long." She said.
She picks up a menu, and glance at the different meals.
"Did I miss anything?" She asks looking at me then at Michael.
"Uh Um we were talking about you know guy stuff." I say looking at Michael for some help.
"Yeah just guy stuff." He says laughing.
"But hey," I say trying to shift the conversation.
"Mike do you know how we were selected by any chance?" I asked curiously.
"Well," he starts laughing.
"I picked you guys." He stated
"Wait so that means you saw our interview..?" I asked looking at Sarah.
"Yes, and after viewing you guy's interview I knew I just had to pick you both. You guys brought something totally different." he says laughing. "I love the chant by the way. Think you can teach me?" He asks Sarah playfully.
She smiles.
"I think Paul can teach You." She says nudging my arm. "He created it."
I laugh, "that's because I'm a visionary darling." I say in my snobbish accent.
We all laugh.
The waiter comes from the back, her eyes extremely wide.
"OMG." She yells.
I look at Mike.
"You are Michael Jackson!!!!"
She says covering her mouth in shock.
I whisper in Sarah's ear . "That's how you were." I say playfully.
"Was I?" She says self consciously.
"Nah." I whisper.
She punches me lightly on the arm.
"Could you please sign my apron!?" The waitress asks Mike.
"Sure" He said.
He signs the apron with the waitress' pen.
"Thank you so much." She says excitably.
"You're welcome Sweetie." He says nicely.
The waitress takes our order and leaves.
"Does that get annoying?" I ask Mike.
"I love my fans, but sometimes I do like you know peace and quiet, You know?" He said thoughtfully.
"Yeah I get you." I said.
"So when is our interview Michael?" Asks Sarah.
"It's in a couple of weeks." he said
"People are going to be tuning in all over world, so it should give you guys a lot of exposure." He says excitably.
"Wait,What?!" Me and Sarah say at the same time.
Michael Laughs.
"Yes, so be prepared." he said hinting at our previous interview.
We had a whole heck of a lot of preparing.

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