Chapter 4 Paul

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Paul's POV
I lied down on the chair and played Mario on my game Boy. "Bowser, you do not know what force you just messed with." I muttered biting my Lower lip, as my fingers feverishly ran across the buttons.
In the background I heard the clicking of heels pacing back and forward. I sensed it was Sarah. I sighed. "Bowser me and you got a date Later." I said while putting the gam in my back pocket.
I went over to Sarah who was twirling her bracelet, and was pacing back and forward. "Hey, relax we got this." I said
She turned to look at me, "ok I am just nervous." she said giving a half smile.
She was wearing a black dress with diamonds studs. Her hair was neatly placed in a bun. She had brown eyes and long black hair, which complimented her honey complexion.
I knew what would cheer her up.
"Zeus. Zeus. Zeus." I said
She looked at me "What are you doing?.." She asked nervously."Our wonderful chant." I said smiling.
She gave me one of her infamous looks.
"Come on you know you want to do it." I said slyly.
"Zeus.Zeus. Zeus." I start up again.
Who have the newz newz newz?"
Sarah sighed and started to join in.
"Not the goose goose goose." we said waddling our body like a goose.
"not even the moose moose moose."
Sarah was starting to smile.
"But" we said in unison "Sarah" Sarah said excitably and "Paul" I said laughing. "do do do" We said bumping our hips.
We laughed. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "You good?" I said.
She nodded.
There was a knock at the door. A lady in her mid 40's peeped her head in and said "You are next in two minutes."

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