Chapter 12

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Sarah's POV
As we got into the Mercedes, I still was thinking about what happened. "I am with Michael Jackson." I thought to myself. I am going to interview him! THIS has to be one of the best days ever.
I sat down next to the door expecting Paul to sit right next to me, instead he sat across. "I am going to be sitting right next to Michael Jackson." I thought to myself. I looked at Paul who moved his eyebrows up and down. "Shut up." I mouthed
The car began to move into motion.
"So Sarah, do you know what you are going to be interviewing me about.?" Michael asked me suddenly.
"I wanted to ask you questions about your upcoming album that's coming out in a couple months, "Dangerous". I said. "Uh I am really interested, in you know getting to know what inspired some of your lyrics for the singles that came out." I said nervously.
"That's awesome." He said smiling at me, I looked down.
"Stop acting like a shy school girl." I say to myself.
"Woah!" we hear Paul say. "You have the new Game Boy?", he says in explanation, directing our gaze to the game boy in the glove compartment.
"Yes I do." Michael says smiling. "Do you want it?" He said looking at Paul.
"Are you being serious?" He asked in disbelief.
"Yes." Michael said laughing.
"Wow, thank you so much!" He said in explanation.
He looked at me and pulled his old gameboy out, and handed me it. "We can now play together." He said excitably. "Yeah- No." I said laughing.
I placed the gameboy in my second pocket. I smiled at Michael who was studying us.
"Is that all he does all day?" Michael asked me, talking about Paul who was now playing on the GameBoy.
I looked at Paul.
"Yep, pretty much." I said laughing.
Michael laughed. "What do you like to do?" he asked
"I love to roller-skate." I stated. "And sing and dance, but I'm either off key or offbeat." I laugh.
He smiled "You're probably not that bad."
Paul laughed.
"NO. Paul" I said I already knew what he was going to say.
"C'mon it's a good story!" he said pleading.
I sighed "Fine."
Paul laughed.
"It was our second year in media class, and we had to do an assignment where we did a special on a local business. We decided to do ours on a local Karaoke Bar. After interviewing the owner, Sarah" He said taking a pause. I groaned. "Decided to sing and dance at the bar." He says.
"What song did you do again?" he asks me.
"I did Billie Jean." I mumbled.
"Oh Yeah!" he said
I looked at Michael who was very engrossed in the story.
"So you know the part when you do that kinda leg kick then moonwalk?" He asks Michael.
"I believe so." Said Michael.
"Well Sarah decided she wanted to do that as well, the only thing about it she falls on her butt, and instead of getting up, she screams "LOOK WHAT YOU DONE TO ME BILLIE JEAN!" Paul's says laughing.
I look at Michael who was now laughing in hysterics.
"I was just caught up in the moment of the song." I say smiling.
"Or you were." I looked at Paul who was making hand motions that symbolized drinking.
"I was not !" I laugh.
"ok." he said winking.
The car came to a stop.
Michael looked out the window and said.
"I believe we are here."

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