Chapter 11 Michael

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Michael's POV
I tapped my finger on the aluminum table. I glanced around nervously. I sometimes become very shy when speaking to new people. I close my eyes and listened to the soft humming of the birds. This is definately a thing I love about the south.
"They are here." I here a voice say. "And I think they were the kids that ran in front of us." I open my eyes and my driver, Mr. Yeto was standing in front of me. "Thank you." I said. I stood up and straightened my tie. I walked into the other room. There was Paul and Sarah standing side by side. They were the kids from this morning that ran in front of the car. I laugh to myself. I walked in the room and cleared my throat.
"Hello" I said smiling.
Sarah opens her mouth. "You ar- You are Michael Jackson." She stutters in explanation and disbelief.
"Yes I am." I say smiling.
There was a Long pause.
Paul thrusts out his hand.
"it's so nice to meet you." He explains.
"I am Paul and this is my friend Sarah." He says pointing towards Sarah. The girl looked at me with amazement still in her eyes, she was very beautiful.
"Hi, Sarah." I say hoping to get her to talk.
"Hoa" the girl says.

"I meant hi-hello yes." She clears her throat. "Hi I'm Sarah." she says seriously extending her hand.
I shake it.
Paul whispers to her. "We already established that." He said smirking.
She glared at him.
"I'm sorry about that Mic-Mister Uh Jackson." she explains "I just had a moment." She laughs weakly with nervousness.
"It's fine. And call me Michael." I laughingly say.
She let's out a sigh of relief.
"My friend is a bigggg fan of yours." Starts Paul. "Oh really?" I asked curiously.
Sarah eyes became wide. "Don't." She murmurs to Paul.
But he continues. "Yes she loves your music and you even more." Adding emphasis to the you.
Sarah turns very red.
"Aw that's sweet. I am very flattered." I say hoping to ease her embarrassment.
"Hey Yeto, can you get the camera, for I can take a picture with these two?" I yell out to my driver.
My driver came back with a Polaroid.
I hear Sarah gasp.
"What's the matter?" I asked
"Uh we didn't know that was your car we stepped in front off." She explained
I looked at Paul, who for the first time felt embarrassed.
"Yeah, that was totally my fault-Man."
He said apologetically.
I laughed. "Don't worry guys. It's fine."
"No harm done." I said looking at both of them.
I walked towards them, "Now do you guys want a picture together or separate?" I ask.
"Together." Sarah said
"Togetha Foreva." Says Paul.
I laugh. "You're one funny dude."
I place my arm around Sarah's waist and my other arm on Paul's shoulder.
I whisper into Sarah's ear "I think it's really cool you like my music."
She looked up at me with a beaming smile.
She should smile more, it really complemented her.
We took a few pictures. I signed each of the Polaroid, and gave one to Sarah and the other to Paul. The third I kept for myself.
I patted my tummy and said "I don't know about you guys, but I am starving!"

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