Chapter 15

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*Authors Note** This Chapter is a little long, but necessary to the plot! It starts to unfold in the next chapter and hence forth!
Michaels POV
*Two weeks Earlier*
I go to my hotel room, tired from the long day I just had.
"knock" "knock"
I open the door and my driver Yeto is there.
"What's up?" I ask.
"One of the kids from the interview is here to see you." He stated.
"Ok, bring em up!" I say happily.
I enter back into my room, and sit on my couch.
"Hey, Mike." I hear a familiar voice say.
"Hey!" I say to Paul.
"What can I do for you?" I ask curiously.
"Well remember how we didn't get to finish our talk today?" He asked.
"About Sarah?" I ask in return.
"Yes." He said sitting down.
"You were going to give me some suggestions." He said remembering what I said earlier.
"Oh yeah, I was." I stated.
"Can I first ask you a question?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure thing." he said.
"Well, Why do you like her?" I ask curiously.
He started to smile.
"She is goal driven, smart, and beautiful." He said. "Not to mention she can do a terrific burp, but don't tell her I told you that." He said laughing.
He really does like her I thought to myself, I could tell in his facial expressions and the way he spoke about her.
"Have you tried complementing her, or taking her on a date?" I ask.
"Baby Steps." he says crossing his legs.
"It's just that I don't want to put my feelings completely out there." He says seriously.
"Then don't." I said smiling. "Do it to the pace you feel is necessary for you."
I said, hoping he will take my advice.
"Ok thanks Mike." He said gratefully.
"No problem." I said.
"And hey," I start to say as I grab a pen and paper.
"If you ever need any further advice you could always call this number."
I said warmly.
"Ok, I will." He said while walking towards the door.
"Thanks Man, I'll see you in a couple weeks!" he said while waving goodbye.
**present time**
I give Sarah the head nod to indicate I'm ready.
She tells Paul "We are ready." and gives a thumbs up.
"5 4 3 2 1." Paul's says and points at Sarah, the interview begins.
"Hi and welcome to WFTV special edition. I am Sarah Tile and on today's show we are going to be interviewing a very special guest ." She says into the camera.
"He has won over 10 Grammys in his career span, and is still the holder of the title of "best-selling album of all time." I think we all know who this is. Please welcome, Michael Jackson."
"Hi." I say to Sarah, who smiles.
"How are you doing Mr. Jackson?"
She asks professionally.
"I am doing great, excited for the release of my new album." I say happily.
"And I bet so are many of your fans." She says laughing.
I laugh.
"Yes I bet they are." I said warmly.
"I know for me, my favorite single that was released from the album is "This time around." Which I believe was your first single to be release featuring a rapper?"
"Yes it was." I said
"How was that collaboration?" She asked
"Well you know Biggie, he is very creative, and rap in general is just very creative and nice. So to have that on my album helps you know establish something different." I say looking at Sarah.
"Yes and Speaking of collaborations, you collaborated with your sister Janet for the song and music video 'Scream' . How was that experience?"
I laugh.
"It was very fun to get to work with my sister. Who is also a creative genius, and her vocals helped really enhanced the message of the song."
I say conclusively.
"That's Amazing." she says
She asks me a few more questions and we began to wrap up the interview.
"Thanks for tuning in, make sure you go out and buy Michael Jackson's HIStory album. I'm Sarah Tile, and you were watching WFTV special edition." She says conclusively.
"And we are off." Says Paul smiling.
"You did great!" I said smiling to her.
"Thank you." She gushed.
"I wasn't going to fast was I?"
She asks self-consciously.
"No your pace was fine." I say smiling.
"We better tell Barbara Walters to hit the road, because wow!" we hear Paul says.
"Was I really that good?" Sarah asks Paul.
"You were amazing." He said decisively.
"Aw thank you guys!" she said gratefully.
"You're welcome." I say.
"Oh and before I forget," I say as I reached into my pocket, "Here are two tickets to my album release party in a month." I say handing the tickets to both Paul and Sarah.
"Oh my goodness, We can attend? Aren't there going to be like a-list celebrities there?" Sarah asked excitedly.
"Yes you can." I laugh. "And yes there is, but don't let that intimidate you." I said winking to Sarah.
She smiles.
"Wow this is pretty dope, Thanks Mike." Paul says appreciatively.
"You're welcome, and here." I say to Sarah. "if you ever want to talk to me, call this number." I say handing her the card.
"Thanks I will." She said.
She hugs me and say "Thanks so much for this opportunity Michael."
I hug her back. "Aw you're so welcome." I say to her.
"But I have to head back to my Ranch for a meeting so I'll see you guys in a month!" I say to both of them.
"And Paul hopefully you'll have accomplished you know what." I say jokingly.
He laughed.
"Hopefully, Good Bye Mike!" He said.
"Yeah goodbye Michael! See you soon!" Sarah says waving as I stepped into the limo.
That was a great interview, I thought to myself as I drove off.

**Authors Note**
A lot is About to go down next Chapter!
Thanks to those who are reading the story!!

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