Chapter 5 Sarah

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The lady just came in to announce that we were next. The nervousness that had just vanished was beginning to wash over me again like a wave. I looked at Paul who looked at me. "We got this." he said "I sure hope so." I thought.
The lady who announced to us that we were next directed us to our chairs. There were bright beaming lights, and an interviewee. We shook her hand as we sat down.
"So basically I am going to ask you a few questions and give your best answer. Ok?" She said smiling real toothy.
We nodded in understanding.
The lady picked up her cards, and read from the first one. "How would you describe you and your partner?" She said directing the question towards me. I took a huge gulp and looked at Paul.
"I would definitely say very supportive of one another, we have been working together since freshmen year, and ever since then we were a power team." I said nervously smiling. The lady smiled, and asked "What would make you guys a power team?" to Paul.
He laughed. "Our complementary outlook on media visions." He said "It allows us to put more to the table when searching for new ways to present the news."
"That's wonderful." The lady stated.
"Anything about you guys that make you stand out?" she asked
Me and Paul looked at each other and laughed. "We-" "W-" we say at the same time. "You go ahead" I said politely. "No, I insist. You go ahead." He said jokingly. So I began. "We-" "W-"
We say at the same time again. I glared at him. He is not doing this now. " Paul are you going to talk or ?" I said trying to not show my annoyance. " If you insist so much." He said looking at the lady. He looked at her for a minute. then asked "What was the question?"
I couldn't hold it, laughter erupted from me like a volcano, I could not stop laughing. The interviewee patiently waited for me to stop. I cleared my throat and dried my eyes. "Ok" "I'm ready." I stated trying to not look at Paul, because I knew I would burst into a fit of horrendous laughter.
The lady looked slightly annoyed. She sighed and repeated the question. Paul looked at me and said "We take our relationship out of the classroom, we help each other in other classes and we go paint balling, she come to me for advice about her guy problems." I do not." I interjected.
He laughed. "And oh we have our own chant."
The lady smirk "May we here this chant?" Paul looked at me for approval, I nodded. "Why do I always embarrass myself?" I thought to myself. I already embarrass myself already, It literally could not get any worse.
We stood up. And Paul counted the start off "And a one and a two. And a one two three four."
"Zeus Zeus Zeus!"
"Who Got the newz newz newz?"
"Not the goose goose goose."
We waddled around like we did in the dressing room.
"Nor the moose moose moose!
"But" "Sarah" I said "and Paul" Paul said adding a dance to it.
"Do Do Do!" We said in unison, adding the hip bumps at the end.
The interviewee clapped.
And said "Wow that was very interesting." under her breath.
We just laughed, we completely blew the interview.
The lady look down at her cards and said. "That's all the questions I have for you thanks for coming to this interview!" We thanked the lady and went offstage. I looked at Paul who looked at me. Then I say "It will have to be a miracle, for us to be chosen."

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