Chapter 14

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*Two Weeks Later*
Sarah's POV
Paul and I have been preparing for the interview for the past two weeks, making sure we had everything in order. From the topics, to how we are going to film it, we can safely say we are prepared.
We are now in San Francisco, where we have been staying for the last couple days or so.
I look at myself in the mirror, I was wearing a Red dress with black heels. It was chic but also at the same time classy.
I walk out of my hotel room to the Lobby of The Grand Forrey; I was suppose to meet Paul there for the limo ride.
As I am walking down the lobby, I hear someone catcall. I turn, getting ready to tell the person off when I see it was Paul, who was wearing jogging pants and a T-shirt his usual.
"Stop it, I was about to go off on you!" I laugh.
"And why aren't you dress?!" I ask.
"I don't have to be dress. Unlike yourself, I'm going to be behind the cameras." He said running behind me.
His fragrance ran with him, he was wearing cologne.
I sniff the air.
"You?"I say in sarcastic shock. "Wearing cologne?" I laugh "Who you are trying to impress?" I ask jokingly.
I see his face turn red.
"Ah No one." He says laughing.
"You're Lying!" I say excitably.
"Who is it?" I ask wanting to know.
"It's no one." He says chuckling.
"I'm going to find out and you know that, so you're safe for now." I joke.
"Oh and what about you Little Red Corvette." He said talking about my red dress.
"Like you said I'm going to be in front of the camera, so might as well look good." I say flipping my hair.
"And besides I heard red was one of Michael's favorite colors." I mumble to myself.
"So it's to impress Mike." He says laughing half heartily.
"I mean yeah.." I say fixing my watch.
"He chose us for this amazing opportunity, why not impress him the best way I know how?" I say looking at Paul with a "duh" expression on my face.
"That's true, I guess I should had worn my thriller Jacket." He says as he start to do some of the thriller dances.
"Stop being a Doofus." I laugh.
We got into the limousine, we were going to meet Michael at the studio.
I take out my notecards and glance at them again, looking at certain points I wanted to hit on.
I looked at the corner of my eyes and see Paul is staring at me.
"Stop trying to read my thoughts , it doesn't work we tried this before." I say still glancing at my notecards.
"I just wanted to tell you, that you look nice and you are going to kill it." Says Paul seriously.
I look up in surprise. "Oh thank you Paul." I say gratefully.
That was weird, usually he would of had been teasing me. Oh well, probably just the nerves. He'll be back to his normal self in a couple hours. I conclude to myself.
We reach our destination, and step out the limo.
"It is hotttt." I say stretching my syllables.
"I know, it is." Paul says while creating a shade with his hand.
We walk into the building while a cool refreshing breeze greeted us.
Inside sitting in one the chairs was Michael, who we haven't seen in weeks.
"Michael!" I yell running to hug him.
"Hi Sarah." He said smiling and returning my hug.
"Hey Mike." Paul said while fist bumping him.
"Hey Paul. Did you manage to do what we talk about?" He asks in riddles.
"Not yet." He says laughing.
"What are you guys talking about?" I ask in confusion,
"Nothing important." Mike Says.
"Ok.." I answer in not complete belief.
We make our way to the studio.
"Wow." I say looking at the splendid studio.
"This is amazing." I whisper to myself.
"Yes it is." says Michael who heard me smiling.
I smile.
"So Paul there is your crew and equipment over there." He said pointing to the cameras and three men wearing black shirts.
"And we will be sitting over here." He said directing me to the two leather chairs.
"And by the way you look nice, red fits you." He said.
"Thank you." I said blushing.
Me and Michael sat down in our seats.
"So how's you and Paul lately?" He asked all of a sudden.
"We're cool like always, except." I start to say lowering my voice. "I think he has a crush on somebody." I say whispering and laughing.
Michael laughed "What lead you to that conclusion Detective?"
"He was wearing cologne and when I ask him about it, he started to blush." I said.
Michael Laughs.
"Well that is a pretty solid point." He said.
"Are we ready?" Says Paul walking to us with a clapboard.
I turn back to Michael, He nods.
"We are Ready." I say giving a thumbs up.

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