Chapter 10 Sarah

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The professor entered the room, he looked very excited. "Good Morning class! As you all know we have a special guest today!" He said. Me and Paul looked at each other. I crossed my fingers. He crossed his fingers and his arms. I smiled nervously. Although I told him I was not nervous earlier, my heart began to race with anticipation, I needed to know if we won or not!
The professor cleared his throat. "After much reviewing the network was able to come to a conclusion as to who they believe will be best fit for the interview." The professor said with glee.
He took out a red envelope, and opened it. A surprise look came across his face.
"And the winners are ...Sarah and Paul." said the professor, the class clapped.
"WHAT, No Freaking way!" I exclaimed. I jumped out of my my chair and hugged Paul.
"I told you we had it." he said smiling.
"But how?! we completely-" Paul cuts me off, "shh." he said and nodded towards the rest of the class.
"Oh yeah, right." I said
"Paul and Sarah, you guys may join the celebrity in room 102." Said the professor. "As for the rest of you run your page in your textbook to Chapter 21, we will now talk about the three appeals." The class moaned.
We walked out of class cooly. Once the door closed. We looked at each other.
"We did it." I exclaimed
"I know, we did it, never thought we get out of Kansas."he said in a faux country accent.
" Paul.. please don't be weird in front I the celebrity." I said half jokingly.
He laughed. "don't worry, partna. I will be as normal as a butterfly."he said clucking like a chicken.
"And do you think it's a high-profile celebrity?" He asks me.
"Hmmm" I say "Probably like a b-list celebrity." I say with a matter of fact tone.
He laughs "Watch it be the mayor of Macon." he says jokingly.
I laugh. "Or Michael Jackson."
Paul Laughed. "Yeah because MJ will come to country town Macon, Georgia."
I laugh. "But who cares who is behind that door we won!" I said laughing with glee.
******* Authors Note ****
Thanks to those who read it so far, I will try to update as soon as I can. Your feedback is much appreciated. :)

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