Chapter 9 Paul

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Paul POV
We walked to the back of the room into our usual seats. I looked at Sarah who was fumbling for something in her bag.
"What are you looking for?" I asked
"This." she said pulling out a small notebook.
I looked at it curiously "What's it for?"
"It's a celebrity autograph notebook." She said flipping to a clean page.
"Wait you actually have celebrities in there?" I said excitably.
"Not necessarily..." she said gripping the notebook. She knew I was about to grab it. "C'mon let me see it." I begged laughing.
"No." she said
"Fine." I said pretending to retrieve my game boy. I watched her fingers relax on her grip of the notebook.
I hurriedly and snatched the notebook from her hand.
"Paul!" she explained
I flipped to the front page, and written in cursive letters was her signature " Sarah Tile". I laughed the next page contain the same letters, but in a different font.
"So this is what you didn't want me to see?" I asked. "Obviously." she said sulking.
Not wanting to upset her, I pointed to the second one and said "I like that one."
She rummaged in her purse and picked up a pen. "Here." she said "Write yours." She handed me the blue pen.
I scrawled my name. She laughed. "What the heck, this looks like catscratch." She explained
"this looks like catscratch." I said mocking her.
She laughed. "If you are going to be famous do yourself a favor and work on your handwriting." She said knowingly. "I will once you work on your love life." I whispered under my breath. "I heard that." She said her eyes still focused on the paper.
Just then the professor entered in te classroom eagerly.

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