Chapter 3 - Alone

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Protagonist's pov
For years I wandered without any direction...
I tried to go back so many times
But my own powers would betray me, making me shift against my will, until they always assumed I was the "monster" and declared me dead


"Hey there buddy"

I said while staring at my own tomb

"How's life going for you?"

"I bet it's going better than mine"
The obvious sarcasm was almost funny if it weren't for my current situation


I glanced at my former house, seeing two adults come out, and an old couple also

"Are siblings?"

I said with a saddened expression, and then I walked away


Many years passed, and I saw how everything evolved and changed, yet I never changed one bit

I wanted to give up on everything
I didn't want to live anymore, not like was too lonely


But then something came up to my mind, I remembered her ....what was her name again?.....It's been so long....I forgot....or maybe she never told me...
But if she's like me....then maybe

"Maybe we could still be friends... if I can find her..."

A small ember of hope ignited in my heart
I've made up my mind, I'll find her

"She must be hurt and alone too...we can help each other out..."

It's going to be a long path to walk...but I can do this...

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now