Walking along with the fallen

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I still remember it....

It's fresh in my memory as if it was yesterday....though it was one year ago

That aberration flew towards me as I tried to kill it once and for all

There was such a bright light....I felt my skin burn, I thought it was the end...

But I woke up...buried under a pile of rubble...climbed through it....and saw the world outside....

My worst nightmare....the wall was destroyed...

I could not recover my former position....not in my current state...the people of the realm would not support me either...

They're all brainwashed...FOOLS...falling for so many blatant lies

My survival is a proof that this is destiny...
I am the hero who will save this realm...
I will do whatever it takes

They took everything from me
My position
My reputation
Half my body is burned to a crisp!!!

I won't forgive them...

8 months ago

Log 1

It's been....two months...since the incident

I have been wandering among the darkest zones of the realm....

Black markets and abandoned parts of cities

Where slave traders and murder are part of the daily routine

I'll resort to recording these "logs"

Though I will throw them away at some point...
It keeps me level headed...and doesn't allow me to forget my main objective

I will take my revenge on those monsters....and save the people of the realm....of course

Log 2

No one recognizes me...

Which was expected to be frank...

With the mask hiding my face...and these filthy grey robes...I am but a shadow...a husk...not even half the woman I used to be

Log 3

This is unbelievable!!

I had made a small fortune by selling scraps and parts of weapons

And now it's GONE!

I have been robbed!

They only left my mask and robe...and this cursed recorder!

By Gloreth!

This is all their fault....

If they had listened to me...and not to the monsters...

I wouldn't be here!!!

Log 4

Heavy breathing...ha...hahaha!

I found him

The dirty thief....


Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now