You make a pretty good bad guy

294 7 14

Humming a cheerful melody the young scientist was working on new experiments, sliding across the room on his chair

"Careful now"

He whispered, carefully mixing the two different blood samples from the shapeshifters

The blood suddenly started glowing and vibrating, until a small explosion happened, an sphere of energy similar to electricity formed, the sphere lasted until all the blood was vaporized

"Pero que-!?"

He was pushed back by the explosion and fell on his back

A few other scientists from the staff worriedly rushed over to him

"Leader! Are you okay!?"

Aaron: "y-yes I'm okay...just got caught off guard"
"That was an unexpected reaction"

He got up and noticed how a small portion of the sample was still intact
He quickly salvaged it in a small flask

"Here...analyze this in the microscope, let's try to find out what caused this sudden reaction"

They put the sample on the microscope and he looked through it

There he saw small blue cells quickly absorbing the pink colored ones and growing in size

Aaron: "Oh"

Staff member: "what is it, Leader?"

Aaron: "Apparently Ethan's cells are dominant, they consume Nimona's and grow in mass, though it happens so fast they overload with energy"
"Expelling it all out and self-destructing"

Staff member: "this is a new discovery!"

Aaron: "And a dangerous one, we won't be displaying this to the public, who knows what kind of dangerous weapons they could make"

Someone walked into the lab, they all turned their heads expecting either a co-worker or the king
This time though it was neither of them
This time it was someone they didn't know

???: "..."
"I assume this is the castle laboratory"

Aaron: "The f*ck!? Quien eres!? How did you get here!?"

???: "Am I that unrecognizable?"
"It's understandable I suppose, the incident left quite a scar, either way I am here to borrow your little experiments"
"I assume you are the royal scientist and leader of this group?"

Aaron: "What if I am?"

???: "..."

They aimed their automated crossbows from their wrists, and a few drones appeared behind them, pointing at every scientist in the room with a laser aim

???: "Resist....and I'll take it that you are a partner of the monsters....I'll show no mercy"

Aaron: (maldita-....Dammit....I need to protect the rest of the staff...)
Aaron: "Ok fine....what do you want us to do"
(Some of them are trembling, sh*t)

???: "I want build a little something for me"


I slowly open my eyes...stirring in my sleep, waiting for my vision to get acustomed to the sunlight

" it still daytime?"
I sit up on the bed, rubbing my eyes

I press a small device on the left of the bed...
"Tuesday - 12:00"

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now