Chapter 18 - Disaster

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Author's pov

Ambrosius sat quietly in his post, holding Ballister's sword, seemingly reflecting on everything that's happened, then he sheathed it....coming to a decision

He broke in the director's office with a few troops, he was suspicious of her before but now, he had enough of just suspecting and decided to take action

"Director!" He called for her but she was not there, he saw a opened entrance on the wall, frowning as this was hidden from him before
Passing through the stairs and a long hallway, he found the director reading a scroll

"You're under arrest...for the murder of the queen and-"

"Ambrosius" She said in an erratic voice

"This explains everything"

Walking up to him and showing the scroll to him, whatever its contents were they earned a shocked expression from him

Back to Ethan's pov

The movie was almost ending, Nimona had fallen asleep, and I was barely awake myself

Male character: "zombies are immortal and eternal creatures! It's impossible to kill them!"

Female character: "what if they come for us!?"

Ballister: "I can't believe I'm about to say this but i actually feel bad for the zombies"

Ethan: "nhhgg....yeah be i-immortal....zzz....ugh my eyes"

Suddenly Nimona started stirring and squirming in her sleep, turning to a wolf

Ethan: "Eh? Nimona? Girl are you okay?"

I looked down at her sleeping on my lap, I tried to touch her but then she turned to a cat

"Stop! no..."

She was having a nightmare
Almost jumping out of the sofa she shrunk back to her human form, waking up in the process

Ballister stretched out his arm to reassure her everything was okay

"Hey, it's okay"

He comforted her while she let out a sigh of relief

"We're home"


She closed her eyes again, back to falling asleep

"Yawn- I like it here.....let's live here forever....zzz"

Ballister put a blanket on her....I laid down next to her to sleep aswell

But then I heard a notification sound, my eyes opened wide, I looked over to the computer and saw a message


Ballister walked over to check, after seeing the message he backed away slightly, as if in shock

He turned around to look over to us and I quickly pretended to sleep, he put on his cloak and went out

Suspicious....I should keep an eye on that

I slowly got up so to not wake Nimona up, and covered her up with the blanket again

"Sleep tight hun....I'll be back soon....chu"

I stealthily followed Ballister back to the city, he entered a restaurant called "The antlered serpent"

I disguised as some bystander, and noticed I was also on the wanted posters now, even though it was just the news questioning who the real villain was in all this

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now