Chapter 14 - Three betrayed souls

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Both Nimona and I ran after Ballister, who was still reflecting on the video, he was probably feeling so betrayed and used...

"Hey! Bal, wait up!" I yelled at him

Nimona: "Boss! Hey! Look yeah you got betrayed by someone you trusted okay...I get it! It sucks...But we did it!

We got the proof!...and once we upload that video we-"

Ballister: "we're not uploading this"

"What!?" Both Nimona and I yelled together

"Everybody needs to know the truth! This system is completely jacked!" I said trying to convince him and rethink his actions

"Exactly the institute needs to shut down!" She said adding to our argument

"Shh quiet!" He said pushing us to the wall to hide from a police car passing by

"I'm not keeping quiet about this" Nimona said with a determined face

"This video could damage people's faith on the institute" He argued

"Oh yeah no sh*t!, isn't that the point of all this???" I stubbornly replied to him

Ballister: "tch! Look I don't know why she framed me, but the problem isn't the institute, it's the director, so I'm taking this to Ambrosius"

Nimona: "who?" "Ambro-" "Cares!!!"
"This is the man who cut off your arm!! Arm chopping is not a love language!!"

Ballister: "He didn't cut off my arm...he disarmed a weapon....that's how we've been trained" Ballister stared at the distance

"Bud....that's some messed up brainwashing....I'm not even kidding" I said with a serious tone

Nimona: "Do you think this stops the director??? You should be questioning everything right now, the will of Gloreth, the institute, the wall...what's all that really for?"

"For protecting the realm!!" He replied defiantly

"Oh you mean from villains like you??"......
"Or from me?" She said with a shaky voice, while giving a sad look
"Yeah! I'm a monster too....what's even the point of this wall? You're all paranoid, I've been here for almost a month! And who knows how long Nimona has been here also! That wall is useless! Have you ever seen the world outside!?" I exclaimed, trying to make sense with Nimona here

Ballister looked hesitant, like he wanted to just vanish....he took a deep breath
"Look if we get this to Ambrosius, everything is gonna be okay, for all of us"
We looked at him with doubt, but this argument was becoming pointless, I nodded to Nimona, and just went with it
"Okay......fine....but when things go south....I'm breaking stuff" She guarranteed

"For once I agree on destroying things....I'm not standing by idly if everything goes wrong" I added

"That won't be necessary" Ballister reassured


The Director and Ambrosius were both in the same flying car, he kept looking at the window in sorrow, he was confused and lost, what could he do in this situation? Betray his lover and best friend? Or betray the entire institute and his inheritance?....she seemed to notice something was wrong

"Something on your mind Ambrosius?, you can talk to me" She reassured him

"My mind?.....I've lost my mind....I've lost everything" He said letting out a sigh

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now