Chapter 10 - Chaotic trio

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~(I will try to write longer chapters from now on! :D)~



Ballister: "you know him, Nimona?"

So that was her name, now I remember

"I-i do" she added, looking shocked

Ballister's thoughts---> he looks as young as her, although something's off about him

I didn't hear a single sound from him other than the knocking, he got behind us with ease, not even Nimona noticed him, not to mention her reaction to seeing him, it's like she's looking at a ghost...

Back to protagonist pov

"Well uh...mind presenting yourself then?" Both Ballister and Nimona lowered their weapons

"O-oh right! haha....I'm....well....Ethan...."
"I'm an old friend of Nimona' a thousand yea-"

Nimona immediately pushed me out of the door cutting me off , leaving Ballister confused

"Hey hey! don't go exposing me already! He doesn't know I'm THAT old!" She whispered

"O-oh oh ok I get it, i get it"

I nodded nervously...then looked up to see her staring at me in disbelief

"You look pretty shocked" I added

"How can I not be?" She replied

"It's like I'm looking at a walking dead are you even alive?"

I flinched "oh right haha!, I'm uh...."

I shifted through different forms then back to my original human form

"I'm just like you"

She looked completely surprised and blown away

"That's....that's so Metal dude!"
"Since when!?"

"Well uh....since the fire in the village"

"That far?"


I couldn't help but smile, what was I even afraid of? This is so much more relieving than I ever imagined, I planned everything I wanted to say when I finally met you again....but now I can't say a single word

"Ethan? What are you spacing out for?"

"Eh?, n-nothing h-haha!"
"Let's leave the catching up for later, that guy...Ballister right? He's probably super confused"

"Right...yeah...let's go then"

We both open the door to a still confused Ballister

"Are you two done catching up or?" He said

"Nope!" She replied "yeah no" i added
"But we got no time for that....oh also, want some tacos?" She said offering me 3 tempting looking tacos

"Oh sure" I took one of the three tacos and gave it a huge bite

"Oh and I forgot to ask....Nimona why are you with this guy?...some broadcasts said he was a murderer"

"I am NOT a murderer!" He said angrily

"Woah my guy, chill i know that....unless you enjoyed killing, there was no way someone that kitten faced could be a murderer"

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now