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Hey guys!!!

I finally finished this story I wanted to write for y'all, and I'd like to thank you all of you who read it!! I never expected it to go over 100 views per chapter :D!!
And I'm genuinely so happy and thankful for all of you who read until now, thank you so much!

And yes as you saw at the end it was "season 1"

Season 2 will be relatively shorter compared to the first one, I want to give my own headcanons of how could the story continue if we ever got a sequel (sadly it probably won't happen)
Expect new characters I made myself!, and more development on Ethan's and Nimona's relationship as a couple!

Again thank you so much for reading!

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It feels like ghosts are reading my story

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now