Chapter 1-The boy from the past

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One lil' warning: After finishing the story I realized how short these chapters are
Only until chapter 9 it gets longer and more enjoyable, sorry abt that

Long medieval times ago, villagers spend their time in peace, expanding their little village, working, laughing, whatever entertainment comes to mind...

One day, a blue haired boy was born, he grew in that village happily, until his ten's...

He met Gloreth at 6 years old as they were born practically on the same day, she was born at noon, he was born at midnight, and their haircolor represented well the time in which they came to this world....they were great friends....

One day however, Gloreth met a strange girl, a redhead, she was friendly, and they all quickly became a friend group....

The boy enjoyed his friend's company, he wished them the best happiness, he wished to be able to grow up as a strong man, to be able to give his friends and the village a bright future....

Yet he felt strange when around the redhead girl, she was friendly to him and Gloreth, but he felt....uneasy...there was a sense of familiarity to her, even though he had never seen her in his entire life...

One day Gloreth wanted a fruit from a tree, and the girl transformed into a bird right in front of him...

They were both amazed by this, and it only strengthened their friendship...

But the village didn't think the same way....the boy and Gloreth were taken away from the red-haired girl by force, they feared the girl, they did not understand the girl...

Fear quickly turned into animosity....and chaos rained down into the village...

There was a fire

He got separated from his parents as he could only watch in horror, as Gloreth stared down at their friend with contempt, holding out a toy sword

"Go back to the darkness from whence you came from"
she threatened

"W-what?" He said quietly...."but it's not her fau-!!"
He said as he was cut off by the village's houses decaying and falling apart....
Before he noticed the red-haired girl was gone, and Gloreth was taken to safety by her parents

He got lost in the fire and ran off the village, he cried and screamed for help, his eyes glowing a blue light....and then....

He shifted

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