Chapter 9 - Reunion

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I was giggling to myself while walking down the hill, tracking them following the traces left behind

*Munch* "hmm~...I gotta admit" *gulp*

"The food improved a lot.... just a simple sandwich is so full of vegetables and meat"

I finished my sandwich and clicked on the watch on my wrist, the watch activated showing a hologram of the wanted posters

"You're telling me this guy is a murderer? No way he's got the eye of a puppy
...No murderer has eyes like that..."

I finally arrived to my destination after hours of search, it was a decaying little tower, probably belonged to a castle

"Huh, I knew it....they do have a secret lair" *inhales* "The smell of sadness really brings it all together, nice"

I stealthily walked to the door, preparing to knock on it, but I hesitated

I couldn't help but feel nervous...and afraid...
"Would she even see me as a friend after all these years?" I thought...

Then i heard voices inside

N: "oh! Heeey boss!"

"Boss?" I whispered to myself

B:" long was I out for?"

N: "15 years" she said in an overly dramatic tone

B: 15 years!?

N: *laughs* don't be so gullible, it was only for a few hours, breakfast tacos?
She added

They kept talking

And I slumped against the door...trying to find the courage to knock and say "hi"   "how have you been?" "I've missed you" "I lov-" Wait nonono not that!!

I covered my face in embarrassment even though no one could see me right now....


"Just go in for f*ck's sake"

B: "wait i remember being in the supply closet...and now i'm here?"

N: "your head bounced on the sidewalk a few times"

B: "It's all so foggy"

N: "really? You thanked me and said you'd be forever in my debt, and that we'd be the best of friends!"

"Hey I also spruced up the place!"
"Ordered all the weapons by level of mortality"
"Unchildproofed the place and opened poisons laying around"
*knock knock*

N: huh? They tracked us?

B: in just a few hours?

They opened the door, seeing no one there apparently, then they heard my voice from behind

"H-hey there you guys- WOAH!" I yelled as they both pointed a weapon at me

"C-calm down! Chill chill! I'm friendl-"

N: "wait"


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