Chapter 16 - Exposing the truth

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The loud thud of the door slamming open could be heard from at least a mile away....

Ballister: "Are you okay?"

Nimona: "I don't wanna talk about it"

Ethan: "No...we know something's wrong"

Nimona: "I said I don't wanna talk about it!"

Ballister: "Hey we're just trying to help"

Nimona: "I don't need your HELP!!"

She said while flipping the huge table in the room in a rage

"Huff....huff.... did you see how that girl looked at me?" She asked with sorrow in her voice


"Little kids!....think they can be heroes if they drive a sword through the heart of anything different....
And I'M the monster?"

What she said....down to her was all so true....I quietly teared up next to Ballister, looking to the side and gripping onto my arms...

"I don't know what's scarier....
The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart.....or that sometimes.....I just wanna let 'em"

I walked towards her, not saying a single word and hugged her tightly, feeling her hug back aswell....I knew it was going to be tough.....and I hate how I know how she's feeling right now....I know that feeling all too well....but i'm thankful that it lets me bring comfort right this moment

Seeing us so defeated....Ballister had to come up with a solution

"We have to get you two out of here" He said
"We'll go over the wall, and we won't stop until- we find someplace safe! Okay? We'll go....together!"

My eyes widened in surprise to his resolve

"Together?" Both me and Nimona questioned

"yes! You were right about everything, the institute, the wall!........Ambrosius"
"No matter what we do we can't change the way people see us" He confirmed....but there was so much sadness in his voice....I knew he didn't want to run away

"You changed the way you see me"
"Didn't you?" She responded

Ballister flinched, and looked back at us with a smile

"We can't let the director get away with this, we shouldn't have to run"
"And you made a deal right? We clear your name, you make me your sidekick" She added

"Us" Both of them looked at me

"You make us your sidekicks" I smiled at them

"Also you can't back on the deal because you believe in truth and honor and blah blah blah and all that stupid thing" She said playfully

I quietly chuckled at her comment

"Heh....truth and honor aren't stupid but....alright" He replied with a smile on his face

"Sooo you got a plan?" She asked

"Oh of course I got a plan" He picked up a picture of the director

Ballister: "Something something something-"

Nimona: "We win~"

Ethan: "Sounds like a great plan"

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now