Put things back together pt 1

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Log 9

I've decided to make another log....

This one won't be discarded like the rest however...

I will release this one to the public


All of you.....citizens of the realm....

It is the Director talking....
Or rather....the Second king

I have returned from the dead in order to bring peace and order to the realm

We will get rid of the monsters....

And conquer beyond our walls

I have been required to crawl my way through life in order to survive....

And I understand the pain of those who are poorer now...

I no longer will discriminate those who aren't of royal blood

My eyes have been opened as I recognize all of you are just as....or even more capable than those with royal blood

Let's all unite and capture the monsters

Everything has fallen apart
And I am the one who will put it all back together

If you rebel against me
You will be put to death....

So I hope you will make the right choice


"Sigh seriously....I really thought you were dead"

I stretched my arms and legs as the giant mecha prepared to fight

"I am rather resilient you see..."

She said, pressing several buttons in the panel inside the mecha's glass cabin

Second king: "Though I admit...you are even more resilient than any creature...I wonder how many more experiments..."
"I might be possible when I dissect you"

The cabin closed and the robot pointed its arm, several rockets I dodged out of the way but some of them followed me
Forcing me to get around them getting blasted away by one of the explosions

E: "Don't tell me you're already ready to kill me...we barely started"

Sc: "kill you? Oh nonono"
"I'll take you alive"

I fired an energy orb at the mecha...but it just....absorbed it?

E: "What the-?"

Sc: "Courtesy of Mr Aaron, this material is special...you know have noticed"

E: "You stole the absorbing material?"

Sc: "I'm willing to bet that you saw an explosion in the castle a few minutes ago"

E: "Dammit"

I charged towards the mecha, dodging a barrage of bullets and tackling it as a rinhoceros
We crashed against a huge boulder, flying in the air
I shot a burst of energy behind me, accelerating my fall and crashing against the mecha

E: "Not a single scratch?"

Sc: "As expected"

The mecha's metallic claw grabbed onto me and launching me away, crashing against several trees

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