Wrong choices

203 6 3

Days later

"Head or tails?"



I throw the coin upward and it falls on tails

"HA! I win! Hand over my 200 gold"

Nimona groans and rolls her eyes, then hands over the gold

"I hate this game and your stupid tolls!"

She says frowning at me

"Pfff- haha! Sorry honey, but we gotta follow the rules"

I look over to Ballister and Ambrosius, who just barged into the room, arguing about where they could get a new job

Ambrosius: "The antlered serpent has a crappy salary Bal!, we can't go there"

Ballister: "Well what else do you suggest we do?!
Connor's candy shop won't accept us, and Sylvia can't afford to pay us a salary in her current condition!"

Ambrosius: "Ugh! You're so stubborn!, look we gotta find somewhere else, there's gotta be somewhere else we can work on!"

They kept on arguing until they just couldn't take it anymore and each one went on his way, Ambrosius went to the kitchen while Ballitser went outside the house, scratching his head, trying to take a breather and relax....

Ethan: "Jesus....that was intense...."

Nimona: "you know it hun..."
"Aaaaaanyways, you fell into the rainbow swamp! My territory! Gimme that 600 gold" She said with a smirk

I rolled my eyes

"Y'know I remember this act you put up a year ago, how was it again?"

Her eyes widened

Her face slowly turning into a smile


I smiled mischievously

"Squirrels!!! Scale the castle walls!!!"
"Bears batter down the gates!!"
"And tickle attack!!!!"

I pounced at her and started tickling her all over


She pushed me back, and I pulled her with me, causing us to roll around the living room and crash on the wall, with her on top of me

"Haaa...haha....that was fun...how you holding up hun- huh?"

I noticed she was staring at me weird

"Umm....Nimona?...honey?? Hello? You there?"

She suddenly got up as if snapping back from a trance

"Oh sh*t... y-yeah! I'm here! H-haha...ha ahem"

I realized what made her so nervous and smirked

Ethan: "Hmm? You sure you there? You seem....distracted"

Nimona: "d-distracted? Nooooo....what are you talking about...l-let's go for another game-"

I suddenly got real close and personal

Ethan: "What do you suggest we play? The game or-"

Nimona: "Alright! Alright! You're pushing it! I get it!"

Ethan: "get what? The fact I caught you checking me out?"

Nimona: "ssstopp!" Giggle

I looked to my side and saw both Ambrosius and Ballister just staring at us

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now