Put things back together pt 2

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The blue electricity causes the missiles to malfunction and crash besides us

The bullets barely touch the blue energy and vaporize instantly

N: (not again!)
"Honey! Are you having an outburst again-"

E: "No"

"Not this time"
"I'm not scared, I'm not panicked"
"I'm not out of control"

"I'm just really pissed off"

Her eyes widen, as shocked as she is...her lips curve into a devilish smile

N: "Heh....that's charming....same here"

I winked at her and turned back to the mecha

E: "Wanna know something interesting?"
"I never had any control over my powers......at least not too much"
"They're so furious....and violent"

"Completely out of control"

Sc: "what are you trying to say?"

E: "Well ...after you tried to kill half the city....we demolished that little passage you had in your office"
"I read through it all....yet there wasn't a single scroll saying anything about me"

I walked to the side slowly....the several lighting rays zapping the floor and walls

"But there was one thing though"
"A little urban legend about a man who wandered the forest...and a storm followed him from behind"

"Feels familiar?"

"That's me"

"It's not a fairy tale"

"It's not a little song to put toddlers to sleep"

"It's real"

"I'm real....I'm right in front of you"

"And you're about to see that storm for yourself"

"I'll use everything"
"All of my hate, frustration, and desperation I accumulated over a thousand years"

Suddenly the Second king's face turned from nochalant to intimidated
At first she was confident he was just buying time or bluffing....

But the pressure....

This feeling of dread....

He was not lying.....

In a desperate attempt to end the confrontation, she fired a storm of missiles at him

He extended his hand, his glowing eyes and intense aura made him look like a shadow
The missiles all turned into water and dropped on the floor

E: "that's it?"

"Ok then....it's our turn....right hun?"

Nimona nodded at me with a smile

"Let's break stuff"

We ran in circles around the mecha
Attacking simultaneously

I jumped back and sprinted towards it, closing the gap in an instant, landing a direct hit on its armor, my fist sinking in the metal
I smiled as I finally managed to damage it

The storm keeps getting bigger....

The second king let out a war cry, switching the mecha's arms for blades...

I ripped off a chunk of the lair's walls and shifted it into a sword

We clashed swords, I managed to hit it a few times, also being slashed across the chest, Nimona tried to attack it from behind
But her arm was slashed as well

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now