Too far

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Ethan: "W-what do you mean Sylvia's in trouble?"

Connor: "huh? Seeing how ya went to save me I assumed ya saw the news"

Nimona: "We did see the news"

Connor: "then you're blinder than my dead grandmother"
"Shoulda seen the other pages too, her market was mentioned there in the same article"

Ethan: "Then....that means..."

Nimona: "crap....we gotta save her"

Connor: "And ya will...Sylvia and her little daughter will always be more worth than me and my old shop, I'll find ya a safe path"

Once out of the shop he guided us to Sylvia's market through a few alleyways, when we got there we saw several old civilians trying to break in, seems like they switched targets

Ethan: "Dammit! We gotta go!"

I looked back at Connor
"Thanks old man"

Nimona: "yeah thank you, I'm sorry for...well...your store...and your wife too"

He chuckled and looked down
"Don't mention it, I was never born to hate others....and I don't got the right to do that, go ahead 'em"

"Oh also...tell those two goofs they're more than welcome to come back to my shop, I need the extra service...and tell 'em....I'm sorry for firing them"

Nimona: " problem"
Ethan: "Will do..."

We rushed ahead and sneaked inside the market, we found Sylvia and Jackie, the poor mother was trying her best to console the crying little girl

"Why mum!? Why do people hate us!?, why do they hate uncle and Auntie!?"

Sylvia: "oh my sweet little Jackie, it's okay...don't cry...people just....don't like what's different, they're just scared"

Jackie: "But they're good people, good people shouldn't get hurt"

Ethan: "welp....I'm not people...haha"

Sylvia: "Huh?...oh my God! You two!"

With a flood of tears in her eyes, little Jackie turned around

"Huh!? Gasp!! Uncle!!" She ran towards me clumsily and hugged me

Jackie: "Are you here to save us?"

Nimona: "Well....we are"

Jackie:"No way! Auntie!!"

Sylvia got up on her feet and looked at us with concern

Sylvia: "I'm grateful my little gremlins but....this is too dangerous, they might turn the whole kingdom against you, our fool of a king already let them take advantage of him once"

Ethan: "I know...but we can't just leave you"

Nimona: "pff- besides...I survived a laser canon, no one's got anything on us!"

This heartwarming moment lasted very suddenly a loud crash happened at our side, there was a huge hole where the door should be, as a car tried to run us over

"HOLY-" I quickly shifted into a bear and pushed everyone out of the way

"Honey are you okay!? Sylv?? Jacki-"
My eyes widened when I saw blood dripping

"O-ow" The little girl's eyes were almost overflowing with tears, her face contorting in pain, holding her hand, which had several pieces of glass stuck to the palm

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now