Torn apart

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We were taking a stroll outside...when we heard noise coming from Ballister's house, we got closer only to see Alex and Ballister storming out

"Alex please-!"

"Y-you're not...!'re not my dad! You don't get to order me around!"

Ballister's eyes widened in shock, he looked so hurt

Alex seemed to regret what he said but...

"Just....leave me alone..."

He said walking away, headed to the park...

Ballister just stared into the distance with ponder in his heart
Then noticed us staring

Ballister: "Oh....hello....Ethan, Nimona too....I....I'm sorry you had to see this"

Nimona: "what happened with him? I thought you guys were getting along nicely"

He sighed and walked inside his house

"Why don't you guys come inside for some tea?"

We sat with them, Ambrosius looked defeated, covering his face with his hands....

Ballister: "Some....stuff has been happening at school apparently, his classmates pressure him asking why he has two dads, calling him weird....we tried to get him to tell us more but then he ended up lashing out at us"

Ambrosius: "It's....hard...he's an orphan and it's hard for some people to"

Ballister: "I bet you know how that feels hm?"

Ethan: "Sigh I know almost too well"

Nimona: "I almost hate how well I know"

Ethan: "but don't we need to go after him?, he might get lost outside"

Ballister: "oh don't worry, I haven't taken my eyes off him for a second, he's just right outside the house"

He pointed at the window, showing the poor kid sitting alone on a rock

Ethan: "I'll go talk to him"

Nimona: "Hey just don't be too hard on him"

Ethan: "pff- you know how much of a softie I really am~"

I walked outside in the form of a cat, then sat next to him, looking up to the full moon

Ethan: "want to tell me what's on your min-?"
Alex: "No"

"Oh....well that sucks...."

We stared at the sky a bit more

Ethan: "C'mon you....hate your new papas?"

Alex: "W-wha!? don't..."

Ethan: "then why are you angry at them?"

Between a few sobs and hics, he looked at me with a sad expression

"It's just friends at school call me weird....they keep saying that having two dads is not normal...a-and that I'm a weirdo for that....they keep saying stupid things about's....making me angry"

I looked at him with pity

"Do you believe them?"

Alex: "no"

Ethan: "then that's all you don't need people who say stuff like that to you, they're not your friends"

"Sometimes all we need is family, ourselves...and belly rubs?"

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now