Moving in- (sorry XDDD)

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Heyo kids!! I hope you enjoy this and I'm sorry that the cover of the story isn't a picture, I am gonna make a cover with the art that is not mine. !Credits to the owner! Anyway let's get into the fucking chapter 😍

'Why can't we just GET THERE ALREADYYY' I think, excited to make new friends at South Park. We were going to live with my cousin Clyde. (Sorry, your not a dick tho so yay) cuz we don't talk about father no no no noo (lmao jk you have a dad or two mums. Or two dads. IDK 🤷‍♀️) nah jk he was in the car with us. We were just getting bored of (H/T) so we're moving in with Clyde's family.  

After a few hours we finally got to this fucking town. It SNOWED HERE!! It was amazing, I gaze upon the snow, planning to sprint across to Clyde and tackle him in a hug as soon as the car stops. I haven't seen my cousin much but I  sure do adore him. He was only like 3 months younger than me (muahaha old lady/man/person)

As soon as we pulled into the driveway I  open the car, sprint to the door, and knock very violently. 

My aunt answers the door and greets me with a hug, kiss and tells me where Clyde is. I run upstairs to his room and bash the door open, to see him with some other boys okaying video games. The others look at me like I'm insane but I don't care. I stare at Clyde to give him a warning to PAUSE. THE. GAME. He pauses and I jump at him and hug him "CLYDE!! HIIII" I scream, still hugging him. "Who the fucks this." A guy asks "I'm your mum, nice to meet you ;)" you say winking at the boy in the blue chullo hat. He just flips you off as you cackle.

(Let's just do some pretending for the story, alright?) Clyde introduced me to the boys, Craig, Tweek, Jimmy and Tolkein. I got along rly well with them, especially blue hat boy, he was rude 🌸☺️🌸 *animal crossing happy emote thingy with flowers-* . Anyway, me and Clyde share a room, and after the boys left, me and Clyde caught up about everything that's going on rn. I told him all about my school friends, the ✨drama✨ And about my stupid ass teacher 🌝 

It felt like we only talked for 10 minutes, even though we talked for about an hour. So before we knew it, it was time for dinner! 

Clyde's mum made the BEST food and I was so excited for the next day, where I would be going to school! (Jk your not excited to go to that hellhole.) Me and Clyde played super smash bros ultimate until it was time for bed. 

✨🌛🌞🐀Ze Next Day🐀🌞🌜✨

I woke up at 7 AM JUST BCUZ. (Idk how The Craig gang gets to school but today they're taking the bus.) I got ready and the just did weird shit with Clyde bc we're weird 🌝🌚 then we had breakfast and started to get out the door to walk to the bus stop with the rest of Clyde's friends. "Alr who's carrying me?" I ask smugly to the gang. Everyone looks at Craig signalling it's his turn. "No." He says in his usual monotone voice and keeps walking. I stare at him and start running up to him and jump on his back "OOF" he yells as he falls back into the snow with me still on his back "Now I walk awayYyyY" I say in a ghost like manner till I hear running behind me...

It's Craig 😨 "Oh shit-" I say as I start running and praying to god that he doesn't squish me. He finally catches me and jumps on my back. "Who's getting carried now, bitch?" He says smirking. "Oh shut up" I say without the 't' bc we're British now 🤩  "British Bitch" Craig says laughing his fucking ass off.

We're almost to school so I RUN VERY FAST through the hallways of school, running past people as Craig sits on my back, wide eyed. People give us strange looks, side eyes, and someone gives a shit eating smile to me. Yay.

We finally get to the class we're meant to be in and I let Craig off my back. "That was fucking terrifying." He says, still wide eyed. You just giggle at his reaction. Craig keeps getting weird looks from everyone, but flips them off and goes back to his normal self. "MKAY CHILDREN SETTLE DOWN PLEASE." Mr Mackay yells to the class. "WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT NOW MKAY??? INTRODUCE YOURSELF PLEASE." "Well, I'm (Y/N) The Great and I'm Clyde's cousin" I say. Clyde looks around proudly making sure everyone knows that I'm his cousin. "Mkay (Y/N) you can go sit next to Craig over there, Mkay?" I nodded and walked over to the desk next to Craig. "Hello there," I say smirking at Craig. "Hello indeed, British Bitch" he says smirking back. I poked my tongue out at him and focused back on class. 

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now