Anotha one.

26 0 5

Y/n pov

We're all sitting in the lounge room watching YouTube on the tv. we were watching those little am I the jerks with the wood cutting and kinetic sand videos. They're the best I love them so much 😍 (who doesn't tho I'll be honest) anyway. Then Wendy suggests we do something other than watch am I the jerks.

(Not me about to make a Gacha edit right while I'm writing 😍) (I made it it was so hard and took so long 😭)

  Everyone agrees and we start looking up things going on in the area. Some of us had to leave tho, including Nichole, Tolkien, Kenny and Red. 

We discover that there is a bit of a fair thingy going on (whatever the fuck you call a busy place with rides and junk food) we find out what time it starts at and me and Craig go to his room to get ready. Since I'm over so often I have a little collection of my own things at his house so I use all that shit to get ready 👏👏 I pull random shit out of his closet and change into it just because I'm an asshole ❤️❤️ And walk out the door of his room. We chat about who's cars we're gonna use and grab our money after we decide. 😋 (delicious cash 🤑🤑) 

We walk outside to the cars we're taking. We decided on Kyle's, Craig's and Stan's because the rest of us don't wanna drive 💀 Cartman, Bebe, Clyde and I go in Craig's car. (With Craig driving obviously) and I don't care who went in the others. 

I obviously sit in the front. I'm Y/n The Great and he's my boyfriend. He doesn't have a choice 🤠 anyway we piss Cartman off on the way there and keep him away from all the food when we're there.

The whole time I hold Craig's hand to not separate with him because he has my money too 😍👍 (how smart is this y/n guys? 😎) I play games and win a fucking giant dinosaur thingy and got a prize for Wendy. And you'll never guess, but guess what Craig got me? 




FOOD 😍✨💖

I'm jk he got me a big Teletubbie. Who doesn't love Teletubbies? (Oh right. My friend Sion fucking hates them 💀💀 he's confused on why people let their kids watch them 😭 I grew up having a crush on tinky winky bro I'm not scared. Why do I always like the purple ones?( why Teletubbies??)) 

Anyway we go on this terrifying ride that I dragged Wendy into and she said she regrets her life 💀💀 it was so surprising seeing that Craig was barely faze(rug)d. I mean it wasn't but it was pretty terrifying. Or we might just be pussies. Anyway we got food after that and it was SO GOOD 😍 like what? And I had this thing. It was fucking gross though so I gave it to Craig 💀apparently he liked it though..? He's fucking insane I shoulda known 😡😡 anyway I saw tons of people holding giant bananas over their heads 💀 I just did 💀 

On the way to my house we drop off the rest of the guys in the car. When it's just me and Craig it's so fucking awkward. Like if we're not doing anything it's awkward. Like seriously I love being alone with him but sometimes it's just shocking at how much I talk in public v how much I talk at home 🫠 

When we finally get to my house I grab my keys and unlock the door. I look around for my mum, she must've left or smth. I run upstairs to me and Clyde's bedroom and open the door. 

I see him sitting on his bed watching break in 2 play throughs: all endings. "Where's mum?" I ask and he jumps so high that he falls off his bed. 

"What the fuck y/n!" He cries. "They all went out to eat or smth." He sits back on his bed. I nod and walk back downstairs to say bye to Craig. 

I walk out the front door and walk up to Craig, who is standing awkwardly next to his car. "Bye honey!" I hug him. 

"Bye, see you at school." I nod and smile, walking back to the front door and opening it. 

Clyde pov

I open my stupid window to take a video of Craig and Y/n. No one really knows they're dating and I know they don't wanna keep it a secret. 

I watch Y/n walk out and hug Craig next to his car. (I'm at 769, 69 sussy number 😋😋) anyway Y/n walks back to the front door and I end the video, quickly putting it on all my socials. Now people will know they're dating and leave both of them alone! This is called being a good cousin and friend, guys. You should try it sometime 🙄🙄🙄

Y/n pov

I wave to Craig as he drives off and I walk into the kitchen. I grab some chips and go back upstairs, into me and Clyde's room. 

I let myself in and sit on Clyde's bed with him. He moves back so I can see the video and so he can eat chips. "Sooo..." he starts. I raise an eyebrow/eyebrow bone 🦴  at him. "What's it like dating Craig?" 

"That's none of your business you gay little monster!" (No homophobic if that's what your thinking, we're just calling out Clyde for being gay as fuck 💀👍) I hit him with his own pillow. 

"Betrayed by my own pillow!" He dramatically cries. What a fucking drama queen. He runs to my bed and grabs my pillow and we pillow fight for a while. 

After squishing the chips into crumbs by landing on them so much, we decide to stop. I grab some clothes and walk to the bathroom to get changed and shower. I turn the hot water on and wait till it warms up enough. In the meantime I get naked and put something on my head (I forgot what it's fucking called kill me 💀) to not get my hair/head(if ur bald :)) wet. 

Time skip in fucking done guys

I get out of the shower, put my clothes on and walk back to my room. 

I sit on my bed and start watching TikTok/YT shorts (which I prefer but hey you do you mate I would do YT shorts but people don't seem to like it as much as tt. Someone kill this generation 💖👏🤑(jk)) 

1090 words, not including this part! Hope you kiddies enjoyed this! Forced myself to write this a little, or at least finish it ig :D ilysm and let's get to 300 reads!!!

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