Sorry if this is kinda cringe lol

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Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne :) s/n is obv siblings name btw :D AH, ALSO, if you like The Amazing Digital Circus like me, you should go to my friend's books‼️

 have some tadc books that I rly like! You should check them out! By P1nkXPurpleX ! I rly like the books, they're a great person and if ur in the tadc fandom go check their books out!

I wake up to Clyde on the floor holding his nuts and crying. "Dude, tf happened?"

"S-s/n just hit me in the BALLS😭‼️" he cries. I mutter a 'Jesus dude' under my breath and get out of bed, bending over and patting his head before leaving. It's unfortunately the first day of school so I've gotta go there, but I did hear there was a new girl!! We don't rly get many girls, the schools mostly boys. Which is fucking annoying, but at least we've got girls. Anyway, we're all excited to meet her😄‼️

I go to the toilet and do all that shit before going back to our room to get my clothes.

I literally pick out any random shit and go to the bathroom to change cause Clyde's still crying on the floor. I shower rly quickly and get my clothes on after drying myself. (Obviously 😭) I text the gc to ask how they're feeling abt going back to school. Some respond abt how they're not excited, but I guess they're happy it's their last year here (and this last year is gonna last YEARS for us😍‼️) anyway I sit on my bed for a bit talking to Clyde cause he finished crying 😀

A bit later someone knocks on the door and I'm pretty sure it's Craig so Clyde and I run downstairs with our schoolbags 😀 and sure enough, Craig, Tolkien, Tweek and Jimmy are waiting outside. We greet them and I walk go Craig to hold his hand. We all start walking to school, talking about the new girl and what we know about her. All we really know though is that she got expelled from her last school for doing weird ass stunts for attention, she's from north park and is called (anything that ain't your name 💀)

We get to school and people are outside talking, or in the hallway trying to get to class early. We decide to go into school cause it's kinda cold outside.

Time skip to school starting‼️

Anyway, we all get to our home room, and I see a face I don't recognise‼️ the only friends I have in my home room are Craig, Wendy, Kyle and Cartman unfortunately but at least Craig's here. The teacher introduces the new girl and she goes to the front of the class to tell us abt herself and shit. "Uhm.. I'm.. (name that ain't urs 😍).. and I like uh.. gardening.." she stutters and for some reason can't take her eyes off Craig. He seems to be giving her a dirty look though and flips her off when the teacher looks away. She still can't take her eyes off him and the teacher tells her to sit next to some rando. The lesson starts and the girl keeps looking at Craig while blushing. I watch her suspiciously and grab Craig's hand from under the desk while glaring at her. She picks up on my glare and huffs while turning away.

Time skip to lunch ‼️

Me and Craig walk into the cafeteria and go to sit at the table where everyone else sits. Sometimes Wendy sits with us and today is one of those days where she does.

We sit down and I see the new girl walk in, she spots Craig, smiles and slowly walks to our table, for some reason with no food. There's still space next to Craig so I call Bebe over and invite her to sit too. She accepts and sits down just in time. The new girl huffs and walks to a table to sit alone. "Damn Y/n, what's your problem with the new girl?" Tolkien laughs.

"We don't have problems at the moment, and I don't wanna have to, but if she goes near Craig I'll be beating her dumbass." I glare at her then back to everyone else with a normal expression.

"Why would she?" Asks Bebe, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow.

"She couldn't take her eyes off Craig. I'm not letting that bitch even try for him." I scowl. Everyone laughs at my jealousy and fierceness, while still being surprised at me actually getting this mad.


The new girl has come to close go Craig too many times bro, I'm fed up with that hoe. Me and Craig both try to avoid her and passive aggressively let her know that Craig DOES NOT like her at all. She makes Craig uncomfortable too, I've felt that and he doesn't deserve to feel like that, so I do what I can to get her away. Like hug her and jump on her acting like she's my 'best friend' and shit just to get her away from Craig.

Anyway lunch time‼️

As me and Craig walk into the cafeteria, we see a large crowd around the new girl, who is on a lunch table with a fucking microphone. There's also this little pathway where the crowd kinda separates, yk? Me and Craig are immediately confused and someone reluctantly waves Craig over. Craig pulls me along too though and the new girl rolls her eyes. As soon as we get into the little crowd fucking music starts playing 💀 the new girl then starts badly singing. She fucking sings girlfriend like I said, by Avril Lavigne (it's a good song u should listen!) after a bit me and Craig start having to hold in our laughter.

After the song ends the new girl is breathing hard and she steps down from the table and comes closer to Craig. "So?~" she says in a seductive tone. "What do you say?~"

"I say fuck off" Craig finally lets his laughing out. She looks shocked and embarrassed until the principal enters silently. I laugh with Craig until this slut pounces on me! She slaps me and I punch her in the face. She screams and I push her off me. I have got a bit of a blood nose, which is unexpected to get from a girl made of skin, bones and plastic. The principal comes and gets her.

"That was quite the stunt young lady! I can see why they didn't want you at north park high! Come on to the office, Ms Smith!" (BRO IDFK ITS JUST WHAT I CAME UP WIFH DOR THIS HOE OK😭 IT WASNT EVEN ME BRO IT WAS AUTOCORRECT 😭) she yells at her while taking her to the office by her wrist. Everyone boos her as she's roughly escorted by the principal out of the cafeteria and everyone goes back to their tables to eat their lunch before it ends cause of that useless stunt. Everyone talks about it and how if that bitch broke us up somehow, they would all beat her ass.

The next few days she doesn't show up so we kinda assume that she's not coming back. Stuff like that has happened before apparently and whoever did it got expelled. Istg bro people are obsessed with us 😭(not creepy way I promise, but ykwim by that yeah?? ;-;) 

Anyway, school ends and me, Craig and Clyde walk home together. Sometimes tolkien and Jimmy and shit will walk with us, but that's mostly in the morning. And Tweek has to work at his family's coffee shop tonight anyway so yeah. 

Anyway, we get to my house and I hug Craig. "Bye, love you." I say while breaking the hug. He smiles slightly, 

"Love you too. Bye." He waves at me while he walks back to his house. Me and Clyde go inside and watch tv for a while until our parents get home. My mum and dad get home first, then Clyde's dad gets home a bit after. My dad (or mum idc, my dad cooks more often tho. Wbu? :D) cooks dinner while the rest of us watch f/s. Me and Clyde are literally just forcing our parents to watch it 😭 we're just that kind 😍 anyway I get a call from Wendy and run upstairs. 

I answer it and close the door to me and Clyde's room, locking it too so not even Clyde can come in. Wendy and I chat for a bit, talk about Craig and Stan, shit like that. In a bit dinners ready so I say bye to Wendy and hang up to go eat dinner.

I run downstairs and sit at the table next to my mum. 

After dinner ‼️

I watch smth for a bit then decide to get ready for bed. I have a shower and do my shit that I needa do in the bathroom and get changed. I go back to me and Clyde's room and he's just on his phone, finally not being a weirdo for once. I tell him to turn it down as I walk to my bed and start trying to fall asleep.


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