Shits and giggles 💩🤭🧌🥰

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"GOOD MORNING (Y/N)" Clyde screams the second I open my eyes. "WHAT THE FUCK-" I scream, falling off the bed "bitch" Clyde skips his happy fucking ass to the door "Breakfast is ready" he says mother-like with a cheeky expression. I roll my eyes and groggily walk downstairs.

Then, I get a text from Craig. I pull my phone out and check what it is... it's a picture. I click on the picture and it's a picture of stripe's cage... but... it's covered all in brown? 

                                   Craig fucker

Me: Craig

Me: what the fuck is that?

Craig Fucker: what the fuck is what. 🥰

Me: why the fuck is Stipe's cage all brown??

Craig Fucker: OH! you mean that! Yeah he shit all over the cage 🤭

Me: Bitch why the fuck u using those emojis 😭

Craig Fucker: Bc. They're convincing 🥺

Me: Oh god please stop-

Craig Fucker: Not until you come over and help me clean his cage 😃

Me: fine, only bc I don't like it when u use these emojis 😡 

Craig Fucker: Great! Come over now and we might get it done quicker ^v^

Me: Alr I'm omw  

✔️✔️ (Means all messages are read) 

I groan and walk out the door, yelling to my mum that I'm going to go to Craig's house. 'Clyde is shitting so he won't hear' I think, smiling widely. 

I walk into Craig's house, without even knocking. I am not in the mood for knocking. I walk upstairs and open the door to the bathroom. But... Craig is standing there, leaning against the sink, arms crossed? "Bitch the fuck-" I say but I am interrupted by Craig saying, "I have predicted your every move 😈" he says evilly "Anyway, you do your shit and I'm gonna get started cleaning" I sit down on the toilet and pull my pants down (yes in that order) with Craig still in the room. He shrieks and runs out, closing the door on his way out. 

Time skip to after both of u cleaned and you took ur shit :D

"You wanna stay for a bit and play video games?" Craig asks "Sure" I reply. I grab my switch out of my bag, (cuz I can-) and turn it on. "Lemme come to ur island on animal crossing, I'll give u some fruits." I say "Oooh ok" Craig says

Time skip to after doing funny shit with Craig in animal crossing 🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭

Me and Craig had gotten bored of animal crossing, so I'm lying on Craig's bed next to him scrolling through TikTok on my phone. (Just has to be TikTok for this one thing I'm sorry 😣) then I come across (F/T/D) (favourite TikTok dance) "Ay you, Craig your gonna do a dance with me for my TikTok" I say excitedly, grabbing Craig and flinging him off the bed, and setting up my phone to record us doing the dance. "Well how do I do it" Craig asks. I groan and show him the moves to the dance, we do a quick practise and he does it great 😌 So the video thingy starts recording it some shit idk and we start the dance.

We finish the dance and the recording stops. (??? 😃😭) I look over the video and it looks great. "Cool, I'll post this" I say as I smile. Craig hums in response and jumps back on the bed and goes back on his phone. 

A few hours later~ 😼🦧🦭

"Hey it's getting late, do you think you should go home soon?" Craig asks, not taking his eyes off his phone. "Noooooo!" I wine, rolling over and burying my face in Craig's shoulder. "Well what are you gonna do about THAT (Y/N)?" He asks me sarcastically. "Sleep over bbg" I say, taking my head off of his shoulder to show him my smirk "get offa me you weirdo" he says elevating his shoulder to push my head off it. "ILL TAKE THAT AS A YES!" I yell happily "Now gimme your phone, mines dead." I say, grabbing his phone.

                                                        Obnoxious Dickhead 🦧 (this is Craig to Clyde btw but u texting)

Me: Hey there dicky, I'm staying over at Wendy's so tell mum when she gets home, this is (Y/N) on Craig's phone btw, I just came over for a bit to see Stripe :3 anyway I'm also gonna go to school with Craig bc yk how his house is kinda close to Wendy's cuz she has some shit going on or smth 

Obnoxious Dickhead 🦧: kk I'll tell UR mum when she gets home *rolls eyes* god learn how to writ 💀🧌

Me: Bitch you said writ not write 💀😭


"Alr btw I just said I was staying at Wendy's so don't question it." I say handing back his phone, "now gimme a charger hoe." I say grabbing the charger he hands to me and plugging in my phone. I put it on the floor and lie on Craig's shoulder to watch TikTok with him. 

Few owas later (hours 💀)

"Oop its 1am 💀." I say "Bitch I don't speak emoji-" Craig says "Bbg u do now 🤩" I say, starring at him with wide eyes and a smile. "😲. 🤩😵‍💫😳👐🥳. (Wow. Cool, but confusing. Idk how but celebrate)" he says "Wow YOUR SO FLUENT BBG WELL DONE!" I say, hugging him. He blushes and hugs back awkwardly. "Anyway I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." I say getting up and walking to Craig's closet. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Finding clothes I like to wear" I smile  he tries to speak but I just grab some of his clothes and walk out the room to the bathroom. 

I come out in Craig's clothes, which are huge on me bc I'm way shorter (idc abt his 'aCtuAl hIgHt' or your 'AcTuAl hIgHt' just go with it however tall u are 👴) and turn the light off as I come into his room. I then jump on his bed and cuddle him "goodnight" I say lightly kissing him on the cheek bc I am now... ✨Flirtatious✨ ! Before I close my eyes I see him lightly blush and look up at the ceiling. Then I hear a quiet bang (?? 🥲) which I assume is him putting his phone down, and he cuddles me back :3. He mumbles a quick 'goodnight' and (I think) he does to sleep.

1048 WORDS BABA GRILLIONS! Isn't that nice :) my dad out my new bed in today!! And my mum is coming home 👹 I'm so happy 😄 anyway I'll see u next chapter and I hope your having a good day or night on 9/8/2023 7:28PM ^^ (or hope you WERE having a good day or night on that day :) ily and bye!

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now