Holy shit

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Ok. Hear me out.. I was finally motivated, but it was at school, so I wrote bc the yr 5s and yr 6 leaders were getting a lesson about leadership, (I almost cried they say 'anyone can be a leader 😃👍 but then don't teach us about and teach only 12 of us year 6s at term 4?? Like bitch what you'd think I'd be ok by now but no 😭) so me and a few other kids were sent to a class to do shit. I got an idea, wrote it down, wrote the chapter and now Craig and y/n are dating again, going back in the direction we were before! So sorry and I'm gonna delete that other part, probably already deleted by the time I post this =D hope u understand!

Love, your lil bin climbing bestie

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now