Thanks + a chapter lol

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Before we start, I just wanna say thanks! 603 reads is rly unexpected lol. Im kinda surprised I haven't gotten hate about Craig being gay and Y/n being female, but I like putting myself in the reader position, yk? It gives me ideas and shit. I could not imagine being male 😭 I think I'm gonna make another Craig x reader thing?? Idk. Don't ask about it cause there's a small chance I'll actually go through with it cause. Yeah. Uh. I struggle to update on this one already so likee. Anyway thanks and I love you all so much! 

I wake up and really need to pee. I lift the covers off but I'm hit with this fucking wave of cold. I grab a fucking blanket from somewhere and bring it downstairs with me. I check the air con and see that it's on, just what I need. I turn it off and walk into the bathroom. 

After pissing I run back up to my bed, and somehow Clyde is still sleeping with his fucking blanket kicked off bro. I ignore him and get my phone to check if anyone has messaged or shit. There's a few messages from the group chat so I check them. It's just Clyde and tolkien being idiots. There's also a few messages from Craig.


Craig- do u want to go somewhere tonight

Craig- like McDonald's or smth

Craig- or some place better

Craig- idk u can choose 

You- sry I just woke up, sure. F/r? (Favourite restaurant/cafe or smth idfk guys) 

Craig- ok 👌 8 tonight?????

You- bro so many question marks chill but sure 

Craig- ok see u then 🖕

You- byee <3 

I go to (whatever app with fucking videos bro) and just watch shit.

A few hours later 😍

It's almost 8 so I start getting ready. I decide to not look shit for once (you know what I mean dude 😭) cause me and Craig don't go out much just us so I might as well not look like a homeless person. Anyway I do whatever shit I have to do to get ready (I don't assume. (Much)) and put on nice clothes for once 💀 (depending on what place ur going to ig)  and sit down on  my bed to wait for Craig. A bit later I'm still waiting for Craig. I start getting worried he might ghost me, but Craig wouldn't do that I don't think. Then I hear the bell right just CAUSE 😡😡 I run downstairs with my phone and shit just in case. 

When I open the door I see Craig :D I guess I'm visibly shocked cause he raises an eyebrow. I hug him and we walk to his car. "I told you to beep, you didn't have to come to the door or anything." 

"That'd be rude. Everyone would be mad at me and I'd be a terrible boyfriend." He shrugs while he starts the car. 

"I guess so. But you wouldn't be THAT bad if you didn't come up to the door and shit." He shrugs at my statement and we sit in silence.

We eventualLy get to f/r and it's pretty busy, but not too many people. We get out of the car and Craig locks it. Wow you'll never guess but Craig opens the place door for me. How kind. We even get looks (not bad ones tho) as we walk in 😬 (literally my worst nightmare) a

Time skip cause idk bros but like it's to when your sitting down.

We finally get to sit at a table cause the line was kinda long. We look at the menus and there's a lot of cool stuff. We talk about stuff that sounds nice for a bit then a waiter comes. We order our stuff (I ALMOST SAID STUFFS HELP) and the waiter goes to get other tables' orders (or however the fuck it works) "Thanks for asking to actually go somewhere for once! Have we ever even been out just us?" I speak up after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't remember going out with you at all. You're welcome." He smiles slightly. 

"I'm gonna have to give a whole fucking recount to Wendy about this." I sigh. "She says it's weird we don't go out much." 

"Wendy expects a lot from Stan. Or any partner of her friends really. Well, that's what Stan says, anyway. You'd know though." He shrugs 

"Yeah, it's gotta be hard being Wendy's partner. She's a great girl though so it'd be worth it in my opinion." I smile

"Don't leave me for Wendy." He scoffs playfully.

"I might have to if you're gonna be like that." I smirk.

"I may not be a good friend of Stan's, but I could definitely be dating him in a week." 

"Ehhh.. I dunno.. if Wendy dumped him he'd probably go to Kyle after a bit." I snicker.

"We'll poly. I'm convincing as fuck." He says cockily. "I could get you to do anything I wanted with a bit of talking." 

"Only cause I love you," I scoff. "Kyle's pretty stubborn though. And he gets jealous easily, he's jealous and your out of that poly.

"Guess so. Still, I COULD poly with those two." 

"And I could date Wendy and I'd be happy. I would be sad if we broke up though, even if I dumped you. I wouldn't, but if I did I'd still be upset." 

"I wouldn't be happy with Stan and Kyle. They're not bad guys or anything, just don't like them that way." He shrugs

"I wouldn't be completely happy with Wendy, she's a good friend and all but as long as I've got you I'm not interesting in anyone else." I smile. Craig's about to speak but our food comes. We thank the waiter and wait (hehe) until our food cools down a bit.

It cools down pretty quickly and we start eating. The foods great and we finish it pretty quickly. We fight over who pays and Craig ends up victorious. (Little shit) and we tip cause this dude who served us was cool. Anyway, we walk back out to Craig's car and get in. 

He drives me back to my house and takes me to the front door. (Me randomly remembering the time I wrote the darkest story out of every vile child in my class 😭) I kiss him for a good minute or two and hug him for a second to say bye. I wave to him as he drives away and go inside. 

I go to the bathroom to have a quick shower and get changed, cause Clyde's probably asleep by now. I go back into my and Clyde's room and get right in bed. That was fun :D just before im about to start trying to sleep, I get a message from an unknown number. 

Unknown- Hey, hope u enjoyed what I did for u tonight. This is Olivia btw 💀 Ik Craig took you out but it was my idea ok?? (Ykwim bruh) hope u enjoyed tho fr. Thx for 600 reads btw <3

You- np I guess? (your opinion here lol) 

Unknown- Ily dude



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