I'm finally updating ‼️‼️ And Happy Valentine's Day heh

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Ok, so with this (based on a real life experience again lol) uhh, idk how much a teenage boy is supposed to weigh- but I also don't know how much you weigh, so guess who gets to choose weights? YOU! LUCKY! 🤩 you can be whatever weight you are, there won't be any restrictions. (I'm hoping none of you are 600 pounds.) I COULD GOOGLE SHIT, but it won't work cause u might be too light for it or smth like that idfk. I wrote this in English class lol I've changed it a bit on the like, ipad so yeah :) anyway! Sorry and TYSM FOR ALMOST 800 READS BTW LOL. So happy that I'm updating, if you follow my account I'll sometimes give updates on how the book is going and if I plan to update soon, shit like that. Anyway again thanks and sorry! Let's actually get into it now XD

"Jesus, Y/n.. what the fuck am I gonna do with you, dude?" He holds his head and sighs, turning back to the blank tv. I shrug and hum 'i dunno' while turning to the tv and resting my arm on my knee, leaning against his 'bed' (it's one of them flow mattresses with a fancy name if you don't remember :>) 

"Hey, but they're gonna take our class to this waterpark like an hour away from school next week!" I look back at him and pull my legs to my chest, smooshing my poor boobs (or not if you've not got any, I won't judge.) 

"Oh, cool, yeah my mum said something about a field trip a few days ago." He replies. I nod and we (🚨😱😰‼️⚠️AMAZING, FANCY WORDS AHEAD⚠️‼️😰😱🚨) we fall into a comfortable silence and both look forward at the blank tv. (Real fuckin interesting X3) 

after watching the blank tv for like, an hour I feel myself starting to get tired. I give up on trying to watch the extremely interesting blank screen crawl over Craig. (GUYS THEY HAVE MHA MANGA AT MY NEW SCHOOL LIBARY YAY‼️) I get into a comfortable position on him. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face into his chest/stomach (idfk, bro but like why am I so awkward? This is exactly what I would want in a story and I would only assume most of you want something similar (if not tell me hah I'll decide whether I'll be able to put that in the story without crying lmao)) he puts his hands on my back and rubs it softly. I close my eyes and suffocate. No I'm jk and I fall asleep :) 

Craig pov mfs 

I sigh and gently drag Y/n onto my 'bed'. She doesn't loose her grip on my waist and I slide underneath her more. She repositions in her sleep Ig and I close my eyes 😱


Your pov btw

I wake up on top of Craig, in his 'bed'. I feel around the floor next to the 'bed' (I might as well just call it a mattress now tbh actually) for my phone. After a bit I find phone and grab it, I check my phone for the time and it's 5am. "Jesus.." (or smth else if you don't say that 😭) I gently get up off of Craig and get his phone from the bedside table. I unlock the phone and there's only a few texts from his mum and Tricia. I look at the pictures that Tricia sent and immediately blush quite a few different shades of red. There's a video of Craig's mum snickering in front of his door at like midnight with her phone out and shit from Tricia's pov. There's also some pictures of me and Craig cuddling in a slightly weird position, asleep on his bed that Tricia took. I turn off the phone and put it back on the bedside tables, still blushing just as much as I was before. Not only had Craig's parents and Tricia seen the pictures, but Facebook has too. While I was looking, I briefly saw a Facebook notification from Craig's mum's account, titled "so cute ☺️" and I can only guess the picture was of me and Craig. 

I sigh and silently open Craig's bedroom door, and walk down the short hallway to the bathroom, just across from his bedroom. I carefully open their slightly creaky bathroom door and turn the light on. I close the door behind me just as quiet and careful as before, and wash my face with cold water to wake me up. Not much of a difference, I still look like I'm dead, but I guess I'm a little more awake now. 

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now