Some friends are meant to be upsetting 😓

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You better have some sort of annoying best friend that you can refer to for this 😀 I know I do and I don't blame her bc she doesn't know how much it hurts me when she does this stuff 😌 but I'm being kinda cautious bc I have been telling her to read my stories- the dragging idc abt tho

I wake up with Craig right in my face. "What the actual fuck-" I say awkwardly "Good your awake.  We gotta get ready for school, do you mind wearing the same clothes you did yesterday?" Craig asks me. "Why can't I just wear your clothes?" I whine, looking up at him tiredly "Because you know how the kids at our school think, they are fucking weirdos." I groan and nod. I know how they think by now. I've been around them long enough 😃👉👌. He hands me my clothes and I go to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the hot water and get in. The shower is nice, even though I didn't sleep in the same clothes and I slept in Craig's, it made me feel so refreshed. 

I get out and go to but my undies on but I realise... they're covered in blood..? "Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit not nowwww" I yell the last part. Then I hear a knock on the door. "(Y/N), you good?" I hear Craig ask through the door. So caring 🥰 "Uhm. Not really?" I open the door slightly just so he can see my head and pass him my undies. "What the fuck." He asks "look at them" ☹️ I reply. He just looks at me with confusion. "I got my period stupid." He 'ohhs' in realisation and just looks at me. "You don't happen to have women underpants do you?" I ask him. He looks at me with disgust. "Didn't think so." Then I get an idea. "Gimme your undies." I say "Ew, the fuck? no." He says "or I'll come out naked" I say "What colour?"

He knocks on the door and hands me some of his undies 😏 "thx!" I put them on and put some toilet paper in them. The toilet paper struggled to stay there, but I eventually got it. I put my clothes on and come out. "I'll ask Wendy for a proper pad at school. But for now, tp will have to do." Craig nods and starts taking his shirt off. I look away straight away. I can tell he rolls his eyes but continues changing. 

Time skip

We get to school and I quickly ask Wendy for a pad. She gives me a pad and we go to the bathroom, but as I'm entering, I hear my name being called. It sounds familiar...  it wouldn't be her/him/them. Right? I turn around and see my old best friend, (B/F/N) (best friend's name) running towards me. Then I see Craig tiredly walking behind her/him/them. I giggle. But then I am slammed to the ground by (B/F/N) "Jesus (B/F/N), you knocked over the whole school" I say to her/him/them. She/he/they laugh in their weird ass laugh that they seemed to be addicted to. "Everyone else came to see you aswell, (Y/N)! Come outside!" She/he/they say, dragging me through the corridor. I grab Craig along the way. 

We get outside and I see a group of my old friends. (B/F/N) screams to them and suddenly all my friends come running over to me like they used to when I got to school back in (H/T). "(Y/N)!!!" They all scream as they run to me. They tackle me to the ground, and because I'm still holding Craig, I take him down with me. "Hi guys! It's so nice to see you all!" I say, helping Craig up. "Who's this?" (F/N) (friend's name) asks, pointing to Craig. "Oh this is my best friend Craig!" I say excitedly "please don't flip them off." I mumble to Craig a bit obviously so they know what he's like. "Oh! So is this the friend that Clyde was texting you about?" (B/F/N) teases, smirking. I blush and look at her/him/them annoyed. "Anyway lets go see the others!" (B/F/N) drags me over to my classmates from year 6. "Hiya kiddos." I wave at them. They all wave back and look at Craig weirdly. "That is Craig, he is my best friend."  I inform them (fAoncy) "How long are you guys staying here?" I ask them "A week" (F/N) replies. I nod excitedly and text Kyle to bring his friends out the front of the school, and text Clyde to bring his gang. "My new friends should be on their way!" I say enthusiastically to everyone. 

A few minutes later, Kyle's gang and Clyde's gang come out the doors of the school, and I run over to them. "Follow 👹" I tell them and run them over to my old friends "Guys, these are my new friends!" I tell my old friends. Then I start introducing all of them. "This is Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Cartman, Butters, Tolkien, Jimmy, Tweek, my cousin Clyde, who you guys mostly know, and Craig, as I said!" Everyone waves to them awkwardly. Then I introduce my old friends back from (H/T) 😄. (Cuz I ain't typin: (F/1), (F/2), (F/3), ect. 🌝)  

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