This has been deleted twice 😭

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"By the way, (Y/N)," Craig says. I look at him and raise my eyebrow "You wanna be my girlfriend?" at first I don't realise what he said. But when I do a smile creeps along my face, "I heard you talking to (B/F/N). Thanks for taking my side instead of your best friend's" he smiles "Aww (Y/N) is excited to come over to my house" 😈 I nod and quickly jump on him and hug him. Today might've been shit, but every cloud has a silver lining ig lol. "Let's go back to my house" He says, getting up and grabbing my hand, leading me to his house. 

As we're walking back, (B/F/N) jumps out of the bushes, making both me and Craig fall. "(B/F/N)! Are you ready to apologise to Craig?" I ask, getting helped up by Craig. "Yes, I am actually!" She/he/they say/s. "First, to start off this apology, (Y/N), I am so so sorry that I told (K/Y/H) that you like Craig," she whispers "It was wrong and I knew it was. I was just jealous that you said that Craig was your new best friend, I wanted to be best friends again. I couldn't accept the fact that you would've gotten new friends here and maybe forget about me back home, so I wanted to maybe make you my best friend again," I look at her/him/them in sorrow. She/he/they was/were always my best friend, I have so many best friends! "And Craig, I'm so so sorry that just because I was mad that (Y/N) was getting new best friends and all that stuff over here, that I put you through pain. It's actually my fault. And nothing I did was because I have anything against you. And if you don't forgive me, (Y/N) won't. So please, let's be friends?" Craig looks at me. I look at him and nod, as to say that it's his choice. He looks back at (B/F/N) and says, "(B/F/N), it's ok. We can be friends." She/he/they smile/s and high-fives him awkwardly. I Then I remember something, (B/F/N) still has something she/he/they need/s to apologise for! And so do (2 other friends)! "Wait, (B/F/N). You still have 1 more apology you need to say," I look at her angrily. "W-what? I thought I covered everything!" I shake my head 'no' "you still need to apologise for not listening me talk about x readers and shit! It HURT you know?? I know you didn't care but the least you could do was act like it actually mattered! I was the fucking nice kid! I could've and I would've thrown all the fucking rude stuff I knew at you when you did it! But I didn't! I just fucking sulked! I cried at night because of it! So I want an apology." I smile at her/him/them while I say the last part. This bitch better say sorry. "Oh.. I'm so sorry (Y/N)! I-I never knew how much that hurt you! You should've spoke up! I might've listened more-" I cut her/him/them off. "Ahem- I know you looked through the window when I was crying to Craig! It was because of YOU! You still not listening to what I want to fucking talk about! And I didn't speak up because you were always talking! I thought that maybe you had changed and that you would finally listen, just once! I wanted you to listen, I wanted you to care, might've? I want would've." She/he/they sigh/s and look at me. "Ok.. (Y/N), I am so fucking sorry. I knew what I was doing, I just didn't know it hurt you that much, if you told us what you do at night we would've listened! Your right, you were the nice kid. And you did deserve some recognition for it. I'm really really sorry. I had no idea how much it hurt you." She/he/they look/s at the floor probably waiting for me to say 'I don't forgive you' but Instead I hug her/him/them and say, "I forgive you" 

Time skip to Craig's house bc I'm lazy as my fucking brother 😭😭😭😭 

We walk into the kitchen and Craig starts getting (F/A/O/W) (favourite alcohol or whatever) from (wherever). "You want some?" He asks me, referring to the (F/A/O/W). I nod and he gives me a large bottle "Jesus Christ this thing is fucking huge" he shrugs and grabs a drink for himself. When he gets his he walks into the lounge room and I follow him. He sits on the couch and turns on (F/S). 

After about an hour both me and Craig are very drunk. And this motherfucker picks me up and stumbles upstairs. He almost fell with me on his back! And of course one of the only times he's drunk is when I'm drunk aswell. 

When we get up stairs Craig slams his door shut and puts the blinds DOWN. I stand there confused until he pushes me against a wall and starts kissing me. I kiss back straight away, he starts trying to slip his tongue into my mouth, and I gladly open my mouth to let him in. He slips his hand inside my pants. I let out a soft moan when he grabs my ass with his hand still in my pants. We both pull away from the kiss, gasping for air. I throw him off me and start ripping my clothes off "You're a little eager" he says, looking me up and down. I smile at him weakly as he takes all his clothes off. He lie down on his bed, and he gets on top of me. (Dw u guys switch) He sticks his dick inside of me. Bro is hard 💀 and starts thrusting in and out. I moan loudly and mumble, "f-faster~" I hope that he heard me. I did mumble it pretty quiet "What was that?" He smirks "F-faster!" I say a bit louder. He shakes his head, still smirking. "C-CRAIG T-TUCKER YOU GO F-FASTER RIGHT NOW!" I yell at him "Thank you" he winks at me and starts going faster, moaning. 

After a while of doing the dirty, we finally get our clothes back on. I check the time to see how long we went for. My eyes widen. It's 2am! We fucked for 8 whole hours! I turn to Craig's bed, he is sitting shirtless holding his phone very shakily, trying to find a video on YouTube for both of us to watch. 'We literally JUST fucked Craig! No need to make me wanna do it again.' I think. I roll my eyes at this thought and get into bed with Craig. We watch men building dirt houses until we both fall asleep. "Ur mom" I say to Craig in an annoying voice before I go to sleep. 

1186 (edited) words!! Yayy!! My first alright smut chapter 😄😄😄 hope u guys like the edits I've done to this, sorry but I don't know much about alcohol so likeee no mixing for you 💀 lol anyway see you in the next chapter which is me explaining this but still 🖕🏼 See you in the NEXT proper chapter 

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now