😬 TW- abusive relationship

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(There will be a tw where that 👆🏼 Will be mentioned,) Sorry haven't updated in a while! I've been a little bit busy looking for motivation 🤭 I wrote this at school lmao I can't with my life why is the only time I'm motivated when I'm at school 😭

I woke up in Craig's bed, all I remember is drinking a lot last night. I look to see where Craig is, and this bitch is lying on my ass. How u may ask? Well I slept with my face INTO the pillow, like on my tummy and I barely had to look to see Craig on my ass (nonexistent or real he's lying in that place 😜) "bitch what the fuck" I say, still looking back at Craig. I watch him as his eyes slowly open.

"what?" He asks groggily

 "where are you right now Craig?" I ask him enthusiastically he lifts his head and looks around,

 "I dunno" I sigh and rest my head on my hand,

 "Craig you are in your bedroom and you're lying on my ass" he looks at me. I look at him 

"I don't see a problem with that." He simply says and lies back on my ass. I look at him in disbelief. I frown, thinking about what happened last night. 'What could we have done?' Until Craig comes straight up, wide eyed. 

"Y/n... I think I know what we did last night," I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish. Judging by his facial expression I don't think it's something people  would do at the start of a relationship .. "I am just guessing, but I do remember closing the blinds and the door of my room..." he looks at me worriedly, my pupils darting around the room. 

I laugh crazily, "I-I'm sure we wouldn't 've done anything weird! We couldn't 've!" He looks at me with an unsure expression plastered on his face. I look at him the same.

Timmy sipk after a few days

After a while of being mad at Craig, He gets a call from Clyde. He answers and talks to him for a bit. He nods his head and hums then turns the phone off. He turns to me "Wanna go to Tolkien's with me?" He asks. I smile and nod. He closes his eyes lightly and nods. I'm pretty used to my boyfriends dry responses. It doesn't mean anything, he's just too boring to give enthusiastic answers. 

Time skip 

"You packed?" I ask Craig. He rolls his eyes and nods. I roll my eyes back and grab his bag. "You're driving." I smile at him.

Another time skip lmao

We get to Tolkien's house and Craig uses a spare key he got from Tolkien to let us in. We walk in and see no one, so we walk to the back garden, if you could even call it that, and see most of Craig's friend group in Tolkien's pool. As soon as we get out of the doors, a soaking wet Tweek runs up to me, crying. He hugs me tightly and cries into my chest 🤨(Ayo) "What happened, Tweek?" I glare at the boys in the pool. 

"They- th- they PUSHED ME..! INTO THE POOL!!" He cries even harder and I sigh and comfort him. I walk with Tweek to the pool and give him a Towel. 

"Come in when your ready." I pat his shoulder before taking my shirt and shorts off to reveal my new 2 piece bathing suit (so sorry if your not confident with your body like that but I am with my friends and I might imagine u are too but so sorry ❤️❤️*) After Craig sees me blood starts pouring from his nose. I jump for him trying to stop anymore blood from going in the pool. I quickly rush Craig out of the pool, blood dripping from the little pool in my hands. I run to the grass, not caring if I slip and dump the blood out of my hands and onto the grass (justice for the grass 🥺) "Dude, what the fuck?!" I wheeze as Tolkien hands Craig some tissues.

He crosses his arms and looks away all pouty. "It's not funny." He growls. My laughter dies down.

"No, I'm sorry honey, it's fine." I hug him. He scoffs and walks back to the pool angrily, me following closely behind. As I get back into the pool, I notice all the boys looking at us weirdly. "What?" I ask. 

"Honey?" Tolkien raises an eyebrow. I go wide-eyed and turn to Craig. I quickly pull him away and start whisper yelling at him. 

"You could've told me they didn't know and we could keep it a secret for longer!" I say. 

"Why do we have to keep it a secret?" He asks blandly. My face drops. 

"You didn't want to keep us a secret..?" He shakes his head "AWWW!" I hug him tightly. "I didn't know!" I give him a big kiss on the lips. "You're so adorable!" I cup his cheeks. He pushes me off playfully, smiling for once in his boring life. We walk back to the pool and I get back in, finally. "Craig's gonna explain later, but for now, don't worry about it." I tell the rest of them. 

Time skip (fuck you, I'll do as many time skips as I want 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 TW soon bbgs ❤️)

After a while we finally get out and Craig talks to the boys about our relationship. I pack up me and Craig's things and put them in our separate bags. I hear their entire conversation and I get pretty happy to hear that Craig thinks he's 'lucky to have me,' very cute 🥰 We say our goodbyes and get in our cars. 

⚠️TW HERE⚠️ 👇🏼

"So... lucky to have me are ya?" I tease him. He rolls his eyes and punches my shoulder. "Oh is this about to become an abusive relationship??" I fake being scared.  He scoffs and shifts all his attention to not killing us <3 

1004 words, holy shit! This was fun to write at school but kids kept looking at it and I don't want them seeing this shit 💀 so sorry for the trigger, but still hope it was alright and none  of you have experienced that or will have to experience that :( ilysm! Byee ❤️❤️

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