Goofy ahhhhhhh

24 1 7

Have fun visiting England or going back! Do you guys wanna go to Iceland too? I'm here now so just say if you wanna go. We can arrange that I guess. I can think of some cool stuff!!  Please, let me take you guys to Iceland :3

I wake up on the mattress in Craig's living room, him right on top of me for some reason. And unfortunately he's drooling. On me too 🥲 what a wonderful start to the day 🤩👏

Anyway, Craig wakes up a few minutes after and he quickly gets off me and wipes his mouth when he wakes up, wakes up. His parents come down shortly after. They greet us and it's actually pretty awkward, since they seem to think we're just close friends, yet we just slept on the same bed together, literally cuddling and shit, and we're always together. Like bro?? 💀 anyway, we get up after everyone else is downstairs, and have breakfast.

Then suddenly, both our sets of parents (what the fuck 💀) are rushing us to get out bags and get in our cars. Me and Craig begged for both of us to go in his car, and our parents reluctantly agreed. (As you can see, my vocabulary is extremely large 🤓😎) We (I) excitedly run inside to grab my suitcases, Craig walking behind me, not even seeming happy, but I know he is :3.

Tim sikp 😪😪

We're at the airport and meet up with our parents and siblings, do that shit with check in, I forgot how it works, wait around, then finally get on our flight. (This is gonna be my fav part probably. Also idfc but I'm making Craig be scared of flying Bc I don't wanna assume anything of u guys, sorry my scared friends!) 'Unfortunately' me snd Craig's seats are separated from everyone else! Oh no, how fucking sad!

Anyway me and Craig put our stuff in the things above and sit down. Lucky us, we got a window seat! But I'll be sitting there cause Craig's scared. But, I am glad that Craig wasn't scared to tell me that! That makes me quite happy :)

Then, Clyde and his family come in late, and lucky us Clyde is right next to Craig. Clyde is a good cousin, and a good friend to Craig, but he can get really fucking annoying. Like that time he thought he was the rizzler.

Anyway Tim skip to like, the middle of the flight.

Craig has thankfully fallen asleep, and it's so cute what the fuck? Like, bro!! 🥹 I take literally my thousandth picture of Craig leaning on my shoulder, asleep and decide to sleep too. Clyde has also fell asleep, and is lying on Craig's shoulder 😭 I stretch my arm as far as I can to get Clyde in the photo too, all while trying not to wake Craig up.

I fall asleep soon after I make my decision, (not) and I guess a couple hours goes by. I wake up to the seatbelt sign off (fuck the seatbelt sign 😼) and Craig lying on my lap, (with the arm rest up) playing a no wifi game on his phone. Clyde is still asleep and his arm rest is up too. Craig's legs are on Clyde's legs, but he's asleep so no one gives a shit. I smile and put my hand on his head to tell him I'm awake. He looks up and smiles slightly. I recline my seat a tiny bit and lay back. I slowly slide his hat off and see him roll his eyes slightly, but not take action. I get a bit excited and go down and kiss his cheek in gratitude. I see a faint smile appear on his face and it makes me so fucking happy. I put my hand back on his head and start playing with the hair that covers his forehead. Idk what it's called but I play with it🫡 for some reason his hair is so fucking soft, idk why. That's why I love playing with it.

I decide to put on a movie so I grab the special headphones and plug them into the thing on the tv for them. (What the fuck is wrong with me) I pick some random movie that looks good and continue playing with Craig's hair.

A few hours later (bahahaha (SpongeBob reference btw))

It's finally an hour before landing and Craig and I have woken Clyde up. More Craig though. He kicked his legs up and down before he had to put his seatbelt back on. I tried to stop him. II'm so happy that my literal boyfriend could come on holiday with us. I didn't know my mum was friends with Craig's mum, but hey, I'm not complaining. Craig still looks a bit scared so I start stroking his head a bit instead of playing with his hair. He seems to relax slightly but is soon forced to sit up for landing.

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now