Weekend shit 😨

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Welcome kiddos hope ur gonna enjoy thissss 🤭 Tomorrow is the weekend so I will be able to work on the story more bc my parents have SUDDENLY become more strict?? Rules about the pantry, iPad boundaries, no eating in our roomsss, ect. It's insane!!! 😡 anyway, hope u like this chapter!

"(Y/N)!" I wake up to Clyde shaking me and calling my name "WOT??" I reply "breakfast is ready" ☺️ He says gently "ooh yummy!" I say as I run downstairs and sit at the table. Then, I get a call from someone with my VERY EMBARRASSING RINGTONE. I go wide-eyed and quickly answer the call, and go into the lounge room for atleast SOME privacy. "Hello?" I answer the call, 'maybe it's one of Clyde's friends trying to get ahold of me, Clyde did say he gave them my number.' I think "Hi (Y/N), it's Craig, do you wanna come over today? Without Clyde? He's great and all but he's been really annoying lately." Says Craig "YES. PLEASE. I have not gotten a break from him at all, he shook me awake this morning" I say, rolling my eyes. "That sucks. But come over at like, 10, I'm still not ready yet." He says. "Alright! See you soon!" I say, ending the call. 

I quickly run upstairs to get ready. I have a shower and get dressed into (Favourite/Outfit) (cuz u needa look ur best for Craig 😉)  nothing too fancy tho. (And then do any other stuff you may include in your morning routine) I check my watch '9:40... well it doesn't hurt to come early' I think, so I text Craig that I'm coming early

                                                    Craig fucker 🌝💃😨👹           (Ticks mean read)

Me: OH CRAOG FUCKRRRRR! I'm coming early so hurry up whatever ur doing sorry I just wanna get out of this house ;-;   ✔️

Craig fucker 🌝💃😨👹: k   ✔️

'Cool.' I think so I grab some toast from the kitchen, say that I'm going to Wendy's, and run out the door to Craig's house. 

When I get there I knock on the door pOlItElY. Craig opens the door, it looks like he just got out of the shower, because his hair is still wet and he doesn't have a shirt on (😏) "Come in." He says, slightly smiling. "Come, we can go see Stripe."  I follow him upstairs "Its his feeding time" he says excitedly

I run upstairs, stripe-food in hand. "Stripe! Hi baby, I missed you so much!!" I say lovingly to Stripe. "You just saw him yesterday-" Craig says. "I don't care, he's my child now" pause... "Oh uh shit Uhm I didn't mean it like that-" I say quickly, putting my hands up, blushing. The rest of the time me and him were just flustered messes.  

"Uhmm... it's 6:30... maybe you should go home now.." Craig says awkwardly. "Good idea." I say walking quickly down the stairs, Craig right behind me. "Do you.. uhh.. do you want me to walk you home?" Craig asks hesitantly "S-sure." I stutter (SSSsSsssS ur a snake 🤩😈)  We walk out the front door and start off to my house. 

When we're about a quarter there, Craig suddenly grabs my hand. I look up at him, and he is looking at the floor blushing. I tighten my grip on his hand to show that it's alright. Then we reach my house and let go of each other's hands "Bye (Y/N)." Craig says  "Bye Craig, thanks for letting me come over today.." I say, slightly smiling while Craig walks away.

I walk in the door and run to my bedroom, then I jump on the bed and kick my feet and squeal while blushing madly. 'Why do I feel like this? I wonder why? OH WOW ITS CUZ I LIKE CRAIG 😨' I think. 'Well now that I know I like him, this will be a lot easier!' I smile today was so fun, I love going to Craig's house I close my eyes and think about him (yes in a creepy way ☺️) but I fall asleep to dream about him aswell 👹

680 words bbgs sry it's short lol I've just added this bc I'm adding another chapter :3

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