Happy Early December!

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I know probably not all of you celebrate Christmas but I think it'd be cool to have to group together for Christmas bc all but Kyle (and possibly you) celebrate. I'm sure they'd just invite you along and you could be a good sport about everyone celebrating, my non-christmassers! I'm gonna work on a Christmas special so I can post it on here on December 25th, my time! Hopefully around 5-8am, maybe earlier if I'm (un)lucky enough to wake up then 💀

Anyway  I'm very excited to start on that chapter! Please give me ideas guys idrk what to do for this one please help anything that's apart of your ideal Christmas/December I'll put it in ;-; btw guys edit: I may not be around bc I'm going to Iceland and England and I'll be in Iceland at the time and idk how good the internet will be :/ but im really excited to go!

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now