Yayy! I can't think of chapter namesss!!

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Also, Clyde's mum has just died cause I'm not changing shit guys 😭😭 ok?? Leave me alone 😭😭😭😭 I'm not making a chapter abbot that shit istfg

OK! So I'm just gonna do so,e New Years thing, idk. I don't have many plans. But your going home now 😜🖕‼️I did way more than I planned to in this XD‼️

The holiday went by pretty quick. The flight was also quick, mostly cause we just slept. Wendy messaged about a new year party that both me and Craig were invited to. 

When we finally got home, (my brother caught me planning out a paragraph. This is why I like having my own bedroom 😭) we had to start getting ready straight away. I literally just wore g/o (good outfit, I'm not good at this stuff I'm sorry) I'm not ready for this thing 😭

After I do everything else, (yes tense change) I text Craig to see if he's ready. He calls and I answer. He's in his car and we talk for a while. Then he stops in the car and tells me he's here. I grab my bag and run out my room, ending the call as I run down the stairs. Clyde also runs when I yell that Craig's here and I run to get the front seat lol. It's not like it's much of a competition. Craig would probably kick Clyde out of the front for me. 

Anyway, we get in the car and Craig backs out. He drives to Wendy's house and there's already tons of cars there. Craig has to park a bit down the road but that's alright. We walk to her house and knock on the door. Wendy answers and welcomes us in. 

The party goes by kinda quick, I drink a little bit but not enough to get drunk. Same with Craig. Clyde on the other hand! Heheh.. let's just sayyyy.. he quite liked the drinks Wendy bought.. so Clyde was stumbling around, talking to randos and screaming, while Craig and I were sitting on a couch, talking. 

Soon enough, it's midnight, and I don't know what we do at midnight??? So I get up and ask Wendy. "Bro? You don't know?? Google it." She giggles. I sigh and go back to Craig. I get my phone out and google it. A few things come up. 

"Ah. It's pretty simple. Glad I've got you baba gril." I smile as I hug Craig, giving him the phone to look at cause I'm too awkward to say that kind of stuff 💀💀 Craig hands me my phone back and pats my back.

Anyway, midnight comes quicker than I wanted it to, and it's pretty awkward. After we do all that's stuff, (im too awkward. Im so sorry guys im ruining the chapter 😭) we just chill. Im breaking the fourth wall, all the extras go home. Fuck them. So the only ones left after 1am are Craig's group, Stan's group the girls and I. We're all pretty tired so we decide to just go to sleep. Clyde also CANNOT come home drunk. He gets drunk at every party, and him being popular doesn't help it. His mum doesn't like it when he gets drunk, it worries her cause he's pretty dumb when he's drunk and makes dumb decisions. 

Anyway, holidays come and the group hangs out a lot! Craig comes over pretty often, we all have tons of sleepovers and go out to places, even a few birthdays! The holidays went by really quickly obviously.  

(So, I clicked edit on this, but thought I did enough. Although, after all my first chapters turned out kinda long, I decided to make sure all my (official) chapters are over 1000 words, and I've really stuck to that! I was gonna just leave it be, but then I thought about how disappointed I'd be if I had to go back and tell myself that we didn't keep all the chapters over 1000 words. But I'm glad I'm sticking to that promise :D enjoy the rest of this!)

And soon enough, we were onto the last week of holidays! The whole group is finally having a text conversation that involves all of us, and we're trying to make plans. Although, apparently there's gonna be a really bad snow thingy tonight, (YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS, TENSE CHANGE 😼) so I might get the whole group to come over

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now