*gasp* (B/F/N)! How dare you! 😡😡

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The title will make sense later- 😜

Time skip to Friday 🥴🥴😮‍💨😮‍💨

I wake up cuddled into Craig on his bed, I grab my phone and check the time. 10:37. 'Guess I'm skipping today' I think, burying my face into Craig's chest. Till the doorbell rings. It seems the doorbell has woken Craig up, because he whispers into my ear, "are you awake?" I open my eyes and smile at him. He smiles back and gets up to answer the door. "Coming!" He yells loud enough for the person at the door to hear. He starts walking out the door and I jump up and follow him happily. 

We get downstairs and he opens the door. It's (B/F/N). She/he/they excitedly grab/s  me and drags me outside, slamming the door shut behind her/him/them. She/he/they drag/s me over to the side of the road and starts squealing. I glance over at Craigs house and I see he is looking through a window confusedly, (idk-) "What?" I ask. She/he/they finally stop squealing and look at my with a huge smile and wide eyes. "So you like Craig?" She/he/they whisper/s, smirking at the end. "What! No no no he's just my best friend!" I say, blushing 70 shades of red. She/he/they look at me, raising her/his/their eyebrow. (if they don't have one then raise their 'eyebrow') "fine.. I kinda like him.." I whisper, glancing over to Craig, smiling. "But I'm not gonna tell him anytime soon! After what happened with (O/C/N) (old crush's name), I don't wanna confess to anyone anymore! It made me too sad.." I look at the floor, then at (B/F/N) "I'm glad me and him stayed friends tho!"  She gives me a 'sorry' smile. "Anyway I gtg, I'm meeting up with (K/Y/H)"(kid you (don't like) hate) I frown, "bye then I guess." I say to her/him/them "oh also, meet me and the rest of the group at Stark's pond at 12, bring Craig with you! Clyde too if you want." She/he/they say/s, running in the direction of (K/Y/H)'s house. She (change K/Y/H's pronouns if you want, it's hard enough with b/f/n-) wasn't that bad, she just pisses me off, I don't think she hates me tho, she is kinda nice to me, but not much. 

Time skip :)

We have been at Stark's pond for a while now, about an hour. I really need to pee. Luckily I live right near Stark's pond, so I quickly tell Craig that I'm going back home for a few minutes and I run off to my house. 

Craig's pov ^v^

I'm talking to Clyde, waiting for (Y/N) to come back, when this kid comes up to me. "Hi, I'm (K/Y/H)!" She winks at me annoyingly. "Hi." I blankly reply, This bitch better know that I am NOT interested in talking to her. I look back at the place where (Y/N) left, she should be back soon. "I hear your name is Craig?" She speaks again, clearly trying to get me to fuck her. I nod and stare at her blankly, 'this bitch thinks I like her 💀.' I think, smirking in my head. Then suddenly I am being pushed over to a wall. Yeah. A wall. She pins me against the wall and smirks, "why don't we go back to my house? You don't seem to be having fun here" she says, smirking. I'm way taller than her so she can't reach my face to kiss me, but I try and get her off me. "Not so fast cutie," she says. I knee her in the stomach but she just tightens her grip, why is this girl so fucking strong 

Y/n pov 😄

I walk over another way than what I came before, I had to look for pads bc I forgot where I put them. I look around and I see Craig pinned to a wall by.. (K/Y/H)?? He does not look very happy about it. I see him knee her in the stomach. Poor Craig! I run over to them and push (K/Y/H) off of Craig "what the fuck were you doing?" I ask her with a serious tone. "Whatt? We were just having a little fun," she says, winking at Craig. "Were you jealous?" She teases. I am about to explode, but I don't, I've got to be serious right now, I cannot give her a reaction "No, but you know what I actually am? Mad, you can't just pin my best friend against a motherfucking wall, bitch!" I say to her, she just smirks and looks back at me. "Your getting defensive! Do you like him?" She teases. I stare at her blankly. "As I said before he is my BEST FRIEND, are you deaf or something?? Can you fucking hear me??? YOU. CAN. NOT. PIN. MY. BEST. FRIEND. AGAINST. A. MOTHERFUCKING. WALL YOU FUCKING DICK!" She frowns, "fine! You protect your little fucking boyfriend" she snarls. Me and Craig watch her walk over to (B/F/N). I know she's doing it to piss me off. "I know why she did that." I say. "Craig I'll be back." I storm over to (B/F/N), and drag her/him/them away from (K/Y/H). "Hey! I was talking to her!" (B/F/N) says "I do not fucking care, I know what you did! You told her I liked Craig, she just pinned him against a fucking wall! Why the fuck would you tell her that?? I TOLD YOU AND I ONLY WANTED TO TELL YOU!" I yell the last part at her. "She put Craig in pain just to make me jealous, and guess what! It didn't work, because I know he did not want that, that was unfair on Craig and YOU FUCKING KNOW IT! So why the fuck would you tell her (B/F/N)? You know I don't like her and I am NOT her favourite person either!" She/he/they look/s at me speechlessly. "I-I-I didn't think she would do that! Sh-she was so nice when she asked me to tell her that I thought you maybe had given her permission to know!" I sigh and look at her/him/them. "(B/F/N), I know you think she is great and all but she doesn't like me! It's so obvious! She is not as cool as you think she is! So go, go back and talk to your fucking idol, (B/F/N), text me when you've said a proper fucking sorry to Craig. Then you can say sorry to me." I say walking back over to Craig. 

I put my face in my hands and sit in front of the wall. Craig sits down next to me and puts an arm around me. I look over to him miserably. "Sorry I let that bitch do that Craig, I never liked her." I say, leaning into him. "It's alright, you didn't know ❤️." He says. I hug him tightly from the side, pushing my cheek against his. I am too mad to think right now, but I know that after she says sorry I'll forgive her/him/them. 😞 I'll feel horrible if I don't, why do I have to care about how people feel??

1177 words! Hope you kids enjoyed 🤩 bro it's raining so hard rn omg- likee it has been raining all fucking day!! Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one, hopefully out soon haha

Mr Fucker 🤑🖕 (Craig tucker x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now